Chapter 1

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Butters POV|

I always tired to get up early before my parents called me to get up so I would have enough time to get myself under control so I don't do something I'll regret at school.

So today I managed to get up at 5 in the morning, take a shower while listening to some songs to help calm me down, brush my teeth, watch my favorite hello kitty episode, and get my outfit ready for the day even so it just ended up being some light jeans with a white hoodie that had a little hello kitty in the corner. I always loved that hoodie even if Eric gave it to me just to make fun of me.

I was going to talk to myself in my bathroom but I heard my mom call my name from downstairs, with a sigh I grab whatever else I needed that I forgot to put back in my locker then walked downstairs meeting my mother with a grin on her face.

"Hello Dear! It's so great seeing you awake so early everyday! You know how your father feels about you leaving for school so late!" My mom said in a slight tone as she turned to me giving me my breakfast.

"Yea I know.." I gave her a smile before I started to eat.

My father was usually always asleep. But he had to wake up right before I left the house, I'm really glad that my mom let's me leave early early sometimes and today was one of those days.

As I finished eating she pat my head, fixing my hair a bit, kissed my forehead and went back to her and dads room. I smiled. I liked it when we were like this well more like me and my mom but either way it was way more relaxing then being yelled at all day and being grounded.

I walked out of the house and as soon as I stepped out I looked over at the bus stop.
I say Eric, And Stan. They weren't really talking though

'Geez.. I didn't know I was that early' I thought to myself thinking if I rather face my father and have to change and be grounded or go up to Eric and risk him making fun of me.

With a soft sigh I slowly walked over to them at any moment I wanted kyle to come out but he usually woke up at this time. I'm actually really surprised Eric gets up so early.

I make my way over there and the two look over at me then at each other. Eric laughed and Stan just sighed. He was never really good at speaking up unless he was stressed or angry.

"What the Fuck are you wearing!?" Eric said between laughs I just kept my head down.
Now I wished my father would had saw me and made me change.

"I..I couldn't find anything else. Sorry Eric" I hummed the last part and I continued to just look down

"HAHAHAHA I can't BELIEVE your actually going to school with that on!!" Eric spoke mispronouncing the word school making Stan laugh at it.

At that moment luckily I saw Kyle rushing over to the bus stop. I don't know why but he always thought he was going to be late for it. And not to long after I saw Kenny walking slowly over I waved at him while Kyle and Stan were talking.

Eric kept trying to say something to me but I really tried not to listen I didn't want to have a bad day after what happened today at home so I kept thinking about it. My mom barely really gave me forehead kisses and it meant a lot when she did. it always made me feel 100x better about myself.

"Hey guys!" I heard Kenny say but it was kinda muffled making me laugh a little

"Hey Kenny" I said me and Kenny Hugging

Eric pretended to gag "Butters are you going to suck kennys balls or what!?" He asked I almost thought he was serious.

"Shut the fuck up fatass!" Kenny said earning a "HEY! I'M NOT FAT POOR BOY! " From Eric and the two kept going back and forth until the bus showed up.

Kyle and Stan sat together in the back continuing their conversation from at the bus stop. Eric tried to sit with craig for some reason but was immediately kicked down and yelled at by the bus driver so he ended up sitting with Tolkien asking him about Nichole and how they were doing. Kenny sat down next to Craig and they started to talk about fights, protesting, really everything violent they could remember. I sat next to Tweek and we talked very quietly about what we always talked about.

Craig and Kenny.

I haven't had a crush on Kenny sense he stuck up for me a while ago. I didn't even believe I had a crush on him until I talked about it with Tweek.
And Tweek has always kinda had a crush on Craig but it's never really been really big so most of the time he would just listen to me ramble about kenny. I still really don't know why.

"He defended me today again! " I whispered but barely could contain my excitement

"A-Aw! AGH!! T-Thats cute!!!" Tweek said a bit too loud.
I didn't mind Tweek saying things a little loud, he couldn't help it and it would be pointless to be mad at him for something he can't control.

After I rambled a bit I heard kennys voice come from the front and listened to him and Craig talk.

"Dude. Did you hear there is going to be a new girl?" Craig asked Kenny.

"No.. I bet she's pretty.. And has big titties.. " Kenny said in awe. I felt my hands slowly go in a fist

"She probably is" Craig shrugged then smirked at Kenny

"When is she going to be at this school? I can't wait to see her! " Kenny asked not even knowing the girls name yet.

"Dude calm down. Do you even want to know her name?"

"Nah it's not important. It's not like I'm going to date her" Kenny laughed I heard Tweek sigh and I turned over to him

"What's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder

"AHH!! i-i just th-think your AGH! S-Stupid!!" Tweek spoke panicked as if we were doing something bad.

"Pffft" I laughed softly at him then hugged him
He hugged me back and I felt the bus stop.

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