Chapter 6

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Butters POV|

I looked at Tweek with a surprised look, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What.. What do you mean.? " I asked tilting my head ever so slightly.

"Y-you said k-kenny? N-no one AGHH!!! here is named t-that! " he put his hand on my forehead "AH!! are you f-feeling ok? "

I moved his hand away and nodded my head. "N-no.. Im sorry just ignore me" I looked at him and forced a smile "why did you look so happy..? "

He smiled slightly not fully believing me "Me a-and Craig are dating! "

"Aww! I always knew you two liked each other! " I laughed

Before tweek could say anything else we both heard a gag come from Eric so we turned our heads to his direction. I immediately noticed he was staring at me and Tweek.

"W-what? " tweek questioned Eric.

Eric rolled his eyes "you and Craig are dating that's gay. Really gay. "

"What's wrong with being gay? " I asked tilting my head a bit.

"Nothing. I just don't like Tweek, Craig would probably be better off with.. Clyde? Or.. I don't Know Tolkien! " Eric flipped off Tweek before turning away again.

I sighed then turned to Tweek. I could see the hate in his eyes as he stood up and before anyone could say anything Eric was leaning down in his seat as Tweek was repeatedly punching him in the face.

We were all sitting in the back so the bus driver didn't see and I'm pretty sure she didn't care either way.

"BEAT HIS ASS HONEY! " I turned and saw Craig cheering really loud for Tweek as he recorded. I laughed and started cheering with him.

After maybe like 1 minutes Eric stopped moving and Tweek pushed him on the floor then kicked him before turning around. Craig rushed over to Tweek hugging him then flipped off Eric's unconscious body.

I saw kyle get up and take lots of pictures of Eric when he was finished he turned to Stan and waved his phone with a big smile

"I got pictures Stan!! " kyle yelled back at stan. The two laughed while looking at the pictures together mocking Eric's voice as they did.

Tweek sat back down with me right as the bus stopped moving and the bus driver started yelling at us to get off of her bus. I waited on the bus longer than usual and saw kyle kick and spit on Eric before he left Tolkien and me were the last ones off and for some reason he decided he wanted to talk to me today.

"Hey butters? " I heard him saw I just looked over at him with my eyes

"Yea? " I asked slowly stopping.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend some time over my house with Nichole,and Clyde? " he asked me rubbing the back of his head as he did.

"Why? " I tilted my head a bit.

He blushed then looked down taking a minute to answer "uh.. I just needed some help with something"

"Mm sure? " I laughed slightly before turning away and walking to my locker.

Yandere Butters x KennyWhere stories live. Discover now