The Brothers As Random Animles idfk-

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Idk what I wanted to do for this chapter but this popped up into my mind after reading somethin- so now here we are! Apologies if these aren't hundred percent cannon or similar to the characters, I try I swear :,)!

Tired mom of 6:

A wolf. That's what he is in the paws event or whatever tf it's called- but ya know what? I'm unoriginal so there ya go. But he's just pretty chill. I mean, he yells at his brothers..a lot. But other than that he's the mom of the group. I can definitely see him being a wolf. Not even a specific type. Just a wolf!

Chaotic bastard:

RACCOON OR FERRET! This man steals shit from his brothers and Mc and really whoever! Mammon also gives me raccoon/ferret vibes so yea.


Lizard or a snake. Do I even need to explain?

Daddy Issues:

Cat. Or just any chill, angry animal. Cats can be a$$holes and so can Satan. It fits. Plus he's also a cat dad soooooo yea.


I guess a panda maybe? More preferably a red panda maybe? Idk. I think a red panda would fit cuz they're cute!

"I'm hungry..":

Possibly a bear and or some kind of big cat (like a Lion!). I mean, the fandom calls him a big teddy bear sooooo (i can't be acting like I don't do that niether-).

"iM InLoVE WitH An emO GuRL":

Sloth. All I'm sayin. Or a cow..idk. I can see him bein a sloth since they're slow asf and they sleep a lot im pretty sure. So yea.


I just wanna let you know I made this right after posting one of my other chapters and it's currently 12am where I'm at so- this chapter is shit. But whatever. Anyway, remember, stay safe, stay healthy, and be the best you that you can be! Embrey signing out <3!

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