When they find out you Self Harm

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!Warning!: Talks of self harm will be mentioned. You are free to skip this chapter if your sensitive to such topic. I hope I don't make anyone upset with this chapter, again, skip the chapter if you'd like. Also, some of the things that are mentioned are from my personal experiences. There will also be some mentions of starvation towards the end!

Also, if anyone is going through suicidal thoughts please text 988 or 741741. I am not the person to tell. 988 and 741741 are the only two numbers I have and know of. Again, if your dealing with self harm, suicidal thoughts, or anything along those lines, please tell a trusted adult. Like a therapist, a guardian, or text 988 and 741741.

One last thing, I will tie in some head-cannons in here.

(I SWEAR THIS IS THE FINAL THING!) Also, the character reactions may not be 100% cannon, this is just how I imagine them reacting to the topic. Apologies.


• It took a while for him to realized you did self harm. Around 2 months into it he started noticing some..strange habits of yours. For example, wearing hoodie/baggy pants even in VERY warm weather, your wrists being very sensitive, ect.

• The night he found out he had walked in on you cutting yourself. For the first time in forever he had no clue what to do. He had froze.

• You had saw him standing in your doorway and you immediately put the knife away. You we're terrified with what he was going to do. You didn't know if he would yell at you, or get mad at you in general.

• He had started crying. When I say crying I mean bawling his eyes out. You have NEVER seen Lucifer cry! You felt terrible.

• He asked you why and you had explained what your mindset was through tears. After you had explained everything, Lucifer helped you wrap your scars with bandages and then he held you for the rest of the night. Lucifer had just sat and held you the whole night as he whispered compliments in your ear, convincing you everything will be alright.


• It took a while for him to notice some..odd..behaviors coming from you. But when he did, let's just say..he was worried.

• "Yo, Mc, ya doin' ok? Ya haven't been yourself lately!"

• You said everything was fine and that you've just been lacking some sleep.

• He fell for it, of course, and went on with his day.

• After a while though, he noticed your behaviors were getting worse, causing him to worry even more.

• One day, Mammon got a slight look at what was hidden under your hoodie sleeves. Scars. He didn't know where they were from or who even did them, but he was mad and very worried.

• "Mc! Ya gotta sec?"

• You responded and he told you what he saw. You instantly broke down in tears. He didn't know what he said or did. He thought HE did something wrong.

• He asked what he did wrong but you just reassured him then started venting to him through your tears.

• That same night, Mammon made sure you ate and he helped you out a lot. He asked Asmo if he could borrow some of his skin care routine supplies, and since Asmo thought he was going to use it for himself, he happily obliged. (Kinda surprising he didn't offer to do it himself but whatever-)

• Then for the rest of the night, Mammon took care of you and helped you do some skin care stuff. He had you take a bath/shower (whatever y'all prefer!). He got snacks and y'all just hung out that night.

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