So many things

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-5 Months later-
"Diana Diana Diana!" Alexa shouted.
She came back from her date with Gabe. He planned to propose to her. Looks like it was a yes.
"He- I- I said yes! He proposed to me!" She screamed.
I laughed and hugged her. Then her shoulders started shaking and she began crying.
"I never thought this would h-happen," She sniffed.
"Well it happened. And stop crying! Be happy!"
She laughed and wiped her tears.
"Thank you so much!" She hugged me and ran off.
I sighed. If only it was like that with me and Austin.
Carolina got married with Nolan and had a baby boy.
I decided to call Austin.
"Hey have you heard the news?" I asked.
"Oh, Gabe and Alexa? Yeah, she called me."
"Of course she did. So when are you coming home?"
"Before dinner. See you."
"Yeah, bye." I sighed and hung up.
I'm happy with him. He's everything to me. I just wish we were married, so we could have kids. A family. For Pete's sake I want to be a grandma already!
"Yeah?" I looked up from my book.
"Um...Austin..." Gabe looked at the ground.
I sat up suddenly alert. "What about him?"
"He's in the hospital."
"What!?" I grabbed my coat.
"Which hospital?" I hurriedly grabbed my keys.
"I'll take you." Gabe grabbed the keys from me.
We were now taking off to the hosptital.
After a few minutes, we were there.
I felt like my heart would leap out of my chest. But I kept telling myself that he was okay.
He isn't gone.
He isn't dead.
I felt tears prick my eyes as we made our way to the doors.
We walked in and the horrible smell hit me.
The smell of hospitals brought me back memories. That's why I never liked hospitals.
"Can I help you two?" A lady in her mid-30s asked.
"Austin?" I came closer.
It was him!
He was sitting on a hospital bed.
"I'm okay." He hugged me.
"What happened?"
"Just a broken nose." He smiled.
"Why? How?"
"Car accident."
I started crying again. Why is he like this? Is he trying to kill himself?
"Hey hey hey, stop crying. I'm okay."
"You're not okay!" I shouted.
I felt a terrible sensation in my stomach.
I crouched down and moaned.
"What's wrong?" He picked me up.
I pushed him away and ran to the bathroom.
And that is how I, ended up puking in a toilet.
I sat on the floor and began sobbing. My life was horrible. Why do I feel this way?
The door opened and Austin was standing there with a nurse.
The nurse helped me up and Austin picked me up and they put me on a bed.
The nurse checked my temperature and heartbeat. And made me pee in a cup. Exciting, I know.
After a few minutes, the nurse came back.
"Congratulations Diana! You're pregnant." The nurse smiled.
My eyes widened. "P-pregnant?"
I looked at Austin and he was smiling.
"You are 3 weeks pregnant." The nurse said.
I can't be pregnant...I mean Austin and
"How is this possible?" I asked shaking.
"I know how it feels to first find out." She said.
I groaned. Pregnant? Couldn't I be married, before pregnant?
You see, when I was little, my mother never told me about how pregnancy works. And how much pain it is.
"How are you feeling?" Alexa handed me a cup of tea.
"Nauseous." I replied.
"It'll get better, I'm sure."
"How would you know?" I rolled my eyes.
"Because I'm an educated woman." She replied.
I scoffed.
"Drink your tea loser." She laughed.
I don't know how I should feel about me and this human growing inside of me. I'm happy, scared, and...just...not sure. I'm not married. And I don't know anything about pregnancy and babies.
Austin was happy and excited. He came home always excited to see me.
"I can't beleive I'm gonna be a dad!" He would say.
And I should be saying, "I can't beleive I'm gonna be a mom!" But instead I say, "I can't beleive I'm dying because I'm pregnant."
Doesn't make sense does it? It hurts like hell. Always nauseous, and constantly taking visits to the bathroom. And usually I don't even throw up.
I wish that Austin would understand how I'm feeling.
Then I remembered, Carolina is pregnant! She can help me!
I dialed her phone number.
"Oh hi! I heard you're pregnant!"
"Yeah...I need help."
"Sure! You can come over to my house anytime and we can talk about babies and stuff! We can pick a day and it'll be like school! But I teach you about pregnancy and babies!" She suggested.
"Yeah that should help." I laughed.
We said goodbye and hung up.
9 months. And that's it.
And the baby will be out.
Hopefully it won't be painful.
I doubt it...
Sorry for the sucky chappie...I really have nothing to type about. Writers block you can say...oh well.

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