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4 Years later.
Warning: Bad, bad language.
"Happy 21st birthday!" My mom yelled.
She hugged me and gave me a box that had wrapping paper on it.
"Open it. Open it." She said, jumping.
I gave her a weird look and started unwrapping the paper.
When I opened it, it was a brand new lap top.
"Oh. My. Muffins." I breathed. "Thank you!" I hugged her and ran upstairs.
I put it in a box, and ran back downstairs. I was moving to my own house tomorrow. Yes, I said house. My parents bought me a house to live in.
I was going to move into it tomorrow, since my birthday was today. I went in the kitchen, and found pancakes.
I started eating when my brother and parents came in.
"Happy birthday Diana." He smiled and handed me a thin small box.
"Thank you." I hugged him.
Ever since I came back, we worked things out, and well became 'brother-sister bffs'.
I know, go ahead and laugh.
I finished eating and went to dress up. Today, my mom planned a party for me, and I begged her not to, since I don't like being in the middle of attention...
I put on my dress, it had light pink flowers and it was a high low dress.
As I was putting on makeup, I heard the doorbell ring.
"Oh Paula, you arrived!" I heard my mom say. "Diana come down here."
I finished putting on my eye liner and ran downstairs.
"Oh, I love your dress." Aunt Paula exclaimed. "Come give me a hug."
She hugged me tightly.
As minutes came by, more people came in.
"Alright, hello everyone, I just want to congratulate my daughter for turning 21 today." My mom said. "I'm proud of my little girl. And I'm happy that you're still here, healthy, and okay. I love you with all my heart, and Gabe, but today's not your birthday." I heard a few people chuckle.
"Diana, I hope you have I wonderful 21st birthday!" Everyone started cheering. I gave my mom a hug.
"Diana, I need to tell you something." Gabe said.
It was 8 in the evening, and the place was a mess. I kept trying to help my mom but she would say, "It's your 21st birthday, go rest."
I followed him to my room, that had boxes everywhere. Gabe already moved to his own house like 2 years ago. But he still came here every single day.
He sat down on the ground and motioned for me to sit next to him.
I sat next to him.
"Well, I've met a girl, Hannah. And well... We've been dating for a year... So...I-I... I proposed to her yesterday."
"What!?" I shouted. My brother getting married!?
I hugged him. "Congratulations!"
He chuckled and hugged me back.
My back has healed but it still had scars, which completely sucks.
"When is the wedding?"
"In a few months."
"That's great." I exclaimed. "When am I going to meet her?"
"She's coming next week."
"Does mom know?"
I felt happy for my brother. He finally matured. Yes, I said finally.
-Next week-
"Hi, my name is Hannah."
"Hi, I'm Diana." I shook her hand.
"It's nice meeting you." She turned around and I notice her roll her eyes.
What's her problem?
She walked to the kitchen. Seriously, what is her problem?
I sat in front of her, and Gabe sat next to her.
"So Hannah, tell me something about yourself." My mom said.
She plastered a fake smile on her fake face. "Well, I work as a model."
Oh, I thought she was a prostitute.
This time, I rolled my eyes. She noticed but I pretended like I didn't know.
"So Diana." She said my name like I was a piece of trash. "I would like to get to know you."
"Well, I hate fakes." I said rudely.
"Diana!" My mom scolded.
"Well, I hate girls like you!" Hanah stood up.
"Oh come on, at least I don't look like a fake Barbie doll!"
She gasped. "Oh shut your mouth!"
"Girls!" Gabe pleaded.
I rolled my eyes. "What are you gonna do? Throw a high heel at my face?"
"Argh!" She screamed. She went up to me and started punching me. Now don't think I was weak and stood there, I grabbed her hands and twisted them.
"Let go you bitch!"
"Jeez, stop talking to yourself." I pushed her to the ground.
She stood up. "Gabe!" She shrieked. "I hate your sister!"
She growled. Yes, she growled.
She strutted out of the house, also slamming the door. A slut act.
"Diana! What the hell?" Gabe shouted.
"What did I do!?" I shouted back.
"She's my fianceè!"
"She looks like a prostitute!" I whined.
He sighed.
"You can't marry her." I whispered. I knew that she would ruin his life. I wanted him to be happy.
"Do you know how bad I want to get married?"
"I understand Gabe. But you're gonna have to wait. You need to find the right girl."
"Okay." He said slowly. He walked up the stairs.
I sighed.
"Diana, I know you mean well..." My mom said.
"Mom, I want him to be happy."
"I know, I do too. But being rude..."
"I don't care mom, I love my brother. I don't want some slut to get married with him. She doesn't deserve my brother."
My mom smiled. "I already knew she was a slut."
We laughed together.
"Now, when are you gonna get married?"
"Oh, so you want to get rid of me too?" I asked jokingly.
"Badly." My mom played along.

Kidnapped But Still Fell In LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang