Battle Scars

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-Week later-
"So, how's your back?" Max asked, sitting down on the couch.
"You've been saying that for the past three hours."
"Yeah, and you've been asking that, for the past three hours."
He rolled his eyes. "Seriously?"
I laughed. "It doesn't hurt that much."
"Good." He scratched the back of his neck.
" you like Austin?"
Oh, I see where this is going.
"I don't know, Max. I don't know him."
"Okay then." He stood up and walked away. So I'm pretty sure Austin sent him to ask me that.
I sighed and stood up to get some ice cream. See, as a girl, we have these things called periods. Did they know about this? Or even think about this? Not even little.
I woke up feeling something weird in my stomach. And ta-da, my period.
Of course none of them wanted to go to the store to buy some pads, nor did they want me to go.
"Guys it's just pads!" I would say.
"Pads? Just pads? You know how embarrassing that would be, being caught buying that? " They would say.
Yeah, I know, girl struggles. Feel the love.
I grabbed my icecream and sat down to eat.
"Dude, you ate that this morning. Again?"
I turned around, and saw Austin.
"Well, I don't think you ever had a period."
He scoffed. "Psh."
My eyes widened. Did men actually have 'man periods'?
He laughed when he saw my face.
"I was joking!"
I glared at him. Well, that was embarrassing.
I heard the door open. "Diana! Diana! Where are you?"
"Alexa?" I turned around and saw Alexa.
She ran up to me and hugged me. I couldn't help but yelp in pain. My back was still healing, and hugging wouldn't speed up the damn process.
"Oh sorry sorry."
"What's with the ice- oooh." She turned to her brother. "You're an ass-hole." Then she turned back to me.
"I'm so sorry to what happened to you. You don't deserve it. Can I see it?"
I lifted my shirt and showed her my back, earning a gasp from her.
"Oh my popsicles, that looks so painful!"
I turned around so that I could face her.
"We should do something together...what about swimming?" She asked.
"Ahem..." I wanted to yell out, hello, my period, but I stopped myself.
"Oh that's right..." She tapped her chin. "Shopping!"
Austin butted in. "Yeah, I don't think that's happening."
"Aw, why not?" Alexa whined.
"Because Alexa. Remember?"
"Yeah... But we can disguise her!"
Austin glared at her. "Alexa, I said no, and that's final." He walked away.
Alexa stuck her tongue out and pouted.
"What now?" She groaned.
"Let's watch a movie." I suggested.
"Oh yeah." I said in a deep voice. We laughed and we made the guys bring snacks.
After 10 to 15 minutes we we're sitting on the couch, watching Insurgent.
"I knew she wasn't dead, I knew it!" Max shouted.
There was still a few more minutes to the movie. Nolan, Colton, and Alexa all fell asleep.
"Shut up Max!" I whisper shouted.
He rolled his eyes and continued watching.
Every once in a while I would feel Austin staring at me. It was very distracting.
I heard someone snore, I looked at where Max was. He was literally dead asleep.
The movie ended, and I heard Austin shift in his seat.
"So..." I was trying to break the awkward silence.
"Um...I was wanted...well...go out on a date with me?" He asked.
Well...first of all, he bought me....then he beat me (sometimes...if I was really "bad"), then he asks me out?
"I would love to." I smiled.
His face lit up.
"Are you serious? This is...this is... Awesome!" He shouted happily.
He grabbed my face and kissed me.
Before he pulled away, I pulled him closer.
I don't know who the llama possessed me to do that. Cupid? I don't know, but I continued to kiss him.
A moan slipped out from my mouth, I felt Austin smile against my lips.
We stopped when we heard someone groan.
"Will you guys continue your kissing session like I don't know...somewhere else?" I heard Alexa groan.
I pulled away from Austin and blushed.
Great, I'm caught.
We were eating dinner at the moment. The guys were all going crazy with the food, stuffing their mouths etcetera, etcetera. While we ladies, (Alexa and me), would eat properly. Men these days...I swea

Alexa was being funny, talking about Austin when they were little kids.

We were I guess best friends. It's like she understands me. She makes my day, and she is extremely nice!
"So, Diana, what's it like kissing my brother?" Alexa smirked.
Forget what I said about her being extremely nice.
I glared at her, as I felt myself redden.
She had to?
"Well?" All the guys perked up.
"Seriously?" I whispered to her.
She just smirked.
"So you two kissed? Does that mean she accepted your date request?" Nolan wiggled his eyebrows at me and Austin.
"Yes." Austin said proudly.
I rolled my eyes. Again, with the guys.
"So have you guys, you know...have fun in bed?"
My eyes widened. "Oh. My. Gosh. No!"
The guys started cracking up. Those mother popsicles...
But then...he did rape me...I really need to forget about that.
"I hope I'll get to see you again." Alexa hugged me.
She was leaving back to her Grandma's.
"We will Alexa." I hugged her back.
"And those scars on your back," She whispered. "They're your battle scars. If anyone asks, just say that. You are strong, brave, and beautiful. I'm happy to know that you're here and you're my friend."
I almost cried when she said those words, she knew how to say the most nicest, amazing things.
"I'm proud to call you my best friend."
She let go of me and waved bye before she climbed into the car.
"Bye." I whispered.

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