All I wanted was to go to seven-eleven

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"Hey, I forgot to buy chips, can you just quickly go to 7-eleven?"

I sighed. "Are you serious Carolina?"

She nodded and turned on her favorite movie that we have watched together for like eight million times, Divergent. Now don't get me wrong, I love that movie. I read the book like a million times and watched the movie like everyday. Well not everyday...

"Fine," I mumbled.

It was Friday night and we were having a sleepover. Just me and Carolina. No parents and my annoying ass-hole of a brother.

I opened the door and started making my way to 7-eleven. I didn't even need to use my car, it was right across from my house. I shivered as the wind picked up. I was only wearing shorts and a tank top. I made my way and opened the door to the store.

"Hey Diana," Micah said. He was one of my friends. Well since I come here everyday, we kind of know each other.

"Hey," I smiled.

I walked to where the chips aisle was and started looking for Carolina's favorite chips. Then, all of a sudden, the lights went out.


I heard a muffled noise.

"Micah? Are you okay?" I tried to get to where he was, but I couldn't see a thing.

I felt someone grab my waist. "Aaaaah!" I screamed. The person put his hand over my mouth. I felt the person push me somewhere and I somehow ended up sitting on something, a chair probably.

Someone turned on a flashlight and shined it on me. I squinted my eyes at the brightness that was blinding my eyes.

Great, I'm gonna get raped and then murdered. Sweet. Note the sarcasm.

"Ah, a girl. How nice."

I looked up and saw a man about maybe 40, 50 years old staring at me. He licked his lips and I shuddered. I think he's going to rape me.

There were 3 other men but they all had ski masks on so I couldn't see what they looked like. Next to me, in another chair, was a guy, probably Micah. He had a bag over his head.

I gulped. "Um...can I g-go now?"

The dude laughed. "You're funny!" His laugh turned into a scowl. "No."
"Please!" I pleaded. "Just let me go! I promise I won't tell anyone! Just please let me go!" To this point I was sobbing. The man didn't even look at me. He was ignoring me. Jerk.

He took a gun out and pointed it at Micah.

"No! What are you doing!?" I shouted.

He smiled and I shut my eyes. This isn't happening. I'm just going to wake up from a horrible dream and I'll be with my happy loving family.

I snapped my eyes open and saw blood everywhere. I screamed and fainted. So much for trying to keep awake.


I woke up in a room. A pretty crappy room. No windows, crappy bed, crappy everything.

I sighed and tried to get up but couldn't. I looked at my hand and saw that I was cuffed to a bed.

I heard the door open and I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep.
Hey, it's pretty smart.

"She's still asleep."

"Damn it. You know what, I can't wait no more, wake her up." That was the dude's voice.

I felt pain shoot up on my left leg and I screamed.
Okay maybe not so smart.

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