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-Austin's POV-
"Okay, let me go check on her." I went to the cell room where I kept her.
It was 30 minutes after we had our little make out session, and I just really wanted to see her again.
When I made my way there, I noticed the door was wide opened.
"What the..." I looked in the room and she was nowhere to be found.
I clearly remember that I locked the door, and the key is with me. But, I forgot to cuff her to the... But then she wouldn't have-
I noticed a small piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and read it.
Is your little princess gone? Don't expect having her back alive.
No way, that's not possible! I thought I killed Jarred! Maybe his son...
I groaned. Okay, he freaking let me buy her, and then he wants her back.
I told all the guys what happened and now we were making our way to where he 'lives'. I mean, he kinda lives in a grabage dump. Well not really...ah man whatever!
Once we made it, we all hid. My plan was to do anything just to have him killed, well Liam, since I'm pretty sure Jarred is dead.
I looked in the window. There was a big room, and I saw Liam sitting.
Perfect. This will be easy.
I broke the window which instantly grabbed his attention. He pulled a gun out and started shooting, but I dodged the bullets.
The other guys came and started shooting at him. Max went to find Diana.
"What the hell do you want?" He asked, hiding behind a couch.
"Where's Diana?"
He started laughing. "Yeah, um, she's probably not even alive."
I felt my heart drop. He wouldn't have don't that. I got angry. How dare he even do that?
I stood up from my hiding spot and started shooting.
But unfortunately, Liam had really practiced a lot of dodging cause he easily moved.
He finally shot me and hit my shoulder.
I groaned and held on to my shoulder.
Nolan shot Liam's foot, and Colton shot his head. Well, that didn't take that long.
I heard Max yelling out our names. We followed his voice to a door. Nolan opened it, and the first thing I saw was blood.
Diana's hands were tied to a together was hanging off the ceiling. Her back had blood everywhere and big slashes. They whipped her.
I felt tears brim my eyes. I'm not going to cry. Stay strong.
I had Nolan untie her and I picked her up carefully. I grabbed a blanket and covered her.
-Diana's POV-
I groaned in pain. My back was in so much pain, and it felt like I was burning. I tried to get up, but instantly regretted it.
"Ow!" I yelped.
"Hey hey hey, back down." Austin stood in front of me, adjusting my pillow.
"It hurts." I whimpered.
"I know, it's going to be okay."
The silence surrounded us.
I remember blacking out, but I don't remember seeing Austin. Did he save me? Why? I thought he wouldn't care.
"Why?" I asked, my voice raspy.
"What do you mean?"(A/N aye JB reference!)
"Why did you save me?"
He sighed and looked deeply into my eyes.
"Because Diana. You don't deserve this. What did you ever do to them? Nothing, exactly. And..." He scratched the back of his neck. "I can't loose you."
My heart fluttered when I heard him say that. Does he like me? Am I actually cared about? Austin, the robber, my buyer, actually likes me!? Well this doesn't happen often...
He noticed my confused face. "Forget it-"
"No. What do you mean?"
"Diana, drop it."
I nodded quietly. I looked at his shoulder and saw blood.
"What happened?" I asked.
He followed my gaze to his shoulder.
"Oh um, just a little incident."
"It looks bad." I said.
"It's nothing."
I knew I couldn't ignore it. I just felt like I... Loved him? Yeah, maybe I'm going crazy.
"Austin, I want to stand up."
"No. You can't. You're gonna reopen your wounds."
"Why aren't we in the hospital?" I asked. If I can't stand up because of my back, then it must be pretty serious.
"No, we would really.... It's just-"
I already knew what he was going to say. He didn't want to get caught.
"I get it, Austin."
He looked at me painfully. "I'm sorry, this is my fault."
"No it's not." I touched his arm. "It isn't at all, you didn't do anything."
He nodded but still didn't look convinced.
Nolan, Max, and Colton came in.
"How are you feeling?"
"Does anything hurt?"
I laughed and smiled. "I'm fine guys."
Max handed Austin something.
Austin stood up. "Turn around."
"I have to put something on your back. It's supposed to help it heal faster."
He helped me sit properly and I lifted my shirt.
One of they guys whistled. "Dang, Diana. Looks painful."
Austin rubbed something cold on my back, I winced when it started to burn.
"Does that hurt?" He asked.
"No, it tickles." I said sarcastically. "Yes, it hurts."
Austin pulled my shirt down and helped me lay back down.
"Guys, go bring Diana some food-"
"No it's okay, I'm fine." I interrupted.
"Diana, shut up for a moment and listen to what I say."
I glared playfully at him.
When the guys left, Austin looked at me sadly.
"Come over here." I hugged him.
"You know Austin-"
"I have to tell you something." He said, smiling.
"This better be good."
"Diana," He held me hand. "This is about to get corny...You're the most beautiful girl in the world. When I first saw you, I knew that I couldn't stay away from you, and I'm sorry for all the beatings I gave you, I was scared of losing you. You fill my empty heart, with love and care. I think I'm falling for you Diana."
I stared at him in awe.
"I think I'm falling for you too."
Okay Okay, I'll explain if you put your pitchforks back down.
Thank you.
Okay, I'm sorry for not updating, it's my fault. I was busy, but hey, not this week! So I apologize again. But thanks for the reads...and all...I'm going to go now....

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