Chapter 36

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Khadijahs POV

Once again, Chris was on my mind. My body was tired and all I want to do is sleep. The problem is I keep thinking about Chris. He keeps popping into my brain which isn't letting me relax.

Maybe if we talk for a little, I can eventually sleep.

Hey wyd -Khadijah, 4:24 pm
So you talking to me now? -Chris, 4:27 pm

Well, now I feel stupid. Chris is right. I was so determined to cut him off completley and now 2 days later, I'M the one who wants to talk to HIM. I clicked my phone off and put my head back down. I got a text a few minutes later.

I was joking -Chris, 4:35 pm

I'm gonna ignore what he said earlier.

So wyd -Khadijah, 4:36 pm
Thinking about you -Chris, 4:38 pm

I'm glad we weren't face-timing or anything because i'm blushing really bad. Aw, what he said was so cute. Wow, he used you and you still think stuff like this is cute? It's probably another bet my mind thought. I'm not gonna flirt back.

Ew why? -Khadijah, 4:40 pm
Cause I miss you. Wyd? -Chris, 4:41 pm

Does he really? I'm torn. I feel like that saying "You never forget your first love." really applies to me. Thats why i'm so attached to him and keep giving him more and more chances. Then again, since he didn't genuinly like me before, why would he now?

I'm in bed so bored lol -Khadijah, 4:43 pm
Lets do something -Chris, 4:44 pm
Like? -Khadijah, 4:44 pm
Where you wanna go? -Chris, 4:45 pm
Im hungry -Khadijah, 4:47 pm
Chipotle? -Chris, 4:47 pm
Okay, thats fine -Khadijah, 4:49 pm
Let me know when your ready -Chris, 4:50 pm

I sprang out of bed to get dressed. Going somewhere is way better than laying in bed, not even sleeping. Since it was just Chipotle, I decided to dress simple. Black jeans, Converse, and a hoodie were good enough. My hoodie was pretty thick so I just decided to wear a tank top. Its not like anyone is gonna see anyways. I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail.

I'm ready -Khadijah, 4:57 pm

"Bye Grandma," I said.

"To where?" She asked.

"Just out with a friend," I replied.

"Okay be safe."

We hugged then I went outside. Chris was already here.

"Hey Chris," I smiled.

"Hey," Chris said.

I think both of us were nervous to be around one another. We didn't talk at all for the rest of the ride. Inside, it was crowded. We quickly jumped in line because we're probably gonna be standing for 5 minutes. We got our food and sat down. Both of us still haven't said anything. Its so awkward!

I focused my attention to my bowl. I saw Chris start to poke around in my food trying to get some.

"Get out of here fat-ass," I laughed, slapping his hand.

Chris stood up and walked behind me. His chest pressed into my back. I guess he was trying to get a better angle to grab my food. Everytime that I put some food on the fork, he would grab my hand and put it is his mouth.

"Chris, you're so annoying," I whined.

"C'mon i'm hungry," He pouted.

"Ugh fine take it," I said.

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