Chapter 25

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Khadijahs POV

The walk to the school was so awkward. I hope Chris didn't hear what I said but i'm pretty sure he did. And even if didn't hear me, I started to blush really badly so from that I'm sure he knew that I said something weird. I'm so stupid and impulsive. I hate how I never think before speaking. What if he doesn't even love me back? He probably doesn't. I mean if my own parents can't love me then why would Chris? Hopefully, he won't ever bring it up.

Once again, everybody was staring at me and Chris when we got inside the school. We were walking to our lockers next to eachother but we weren't talking. A boy, who I noticed was Chris's friend Red, walked up to us. I didn't really like Red so I kept going while Chris stopped to talk.

I wonder what Reds real name is? Or why he died his hair that color. Its too bright in my opinion. And he doesn't look cute with it either. Eventually, I took my thoughts off of Red and focuses on finding my Algebra homework. Ah, there it was-cramped into my notebook. I slammed the looker shut and started to go to class. But I noticed Chris still hasn't came to his locker. I looked back to see Chris still talking to Red, and now another boy named Keeis.
They all looked at me and busted out laughing. I quickly turned out around and started walking knowing that I was the topic of the funny conversation. I can't believe Chris was laughing with them about me!

Micheal was late today but he showed up soon. Math class like usual was uncomfortable. Now more than ever, since Micheal now knows that I broke up with him for Chris. Just like yesterday, he kept his head down, avoiding me.

"Alright, everyone. Get started," Mrs. Vega said, handing out a work sheet.

"Can we work with someone?" A girl named Ashley, shouted.

"Hmm, sure why not? Work with the person sitting next to you."

"I meant can we pick someone to work with?"

"Don't push it Ashley. I better see everyone working with their partner."

I looked over at Micheal so see that he had already started the paper. Okay, guess I'm doing this on my own.

"Come on guys, this is not indiviual work. Start talking," Mrs. Vega instructed.

Micheal let out the deepest sigh ever.
"On number one, I got 47."

"Yeah, me too."

"On number two, I got 732,"

"Thats what I got."

And our conversation went like that until we got to the end of the sheet. We sat quietly. I looked around the room reading the corny yet inspirational posters. Micheal was texting on his phone.

"So, its Chris?" Micheal asked. He looked genuinly shocked.

"Um, yeah. You didn't know?"

"No, I was late today. I didn't hear about it 'til now."

"Oh. Well um, yeah its Chris."

"Wow Khadijah. I thought you were smart, why you being a dumbass?"

I faced Micheal and gave him a dirty look. "How?"

"By dating Chris. Everybody seems to know why he's with you except you."

"And why exactly is he with me?"

"Chris has fucked every girl in this grade except for like four. I'm sure you can figure it out now," Micheal said. Chris hasn't been in this school for longer than 2 months so I know that Micheal is just being dramatic.

"Thats not true, he's not with me for sex!" I can't believe Micheal is insinuating that thats the only reason Chris is dating me.

"So, whats he with you for?" Micheal retorted. Thats person #4 who thinks i'm not good enough for Chris.

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