Chapter 11

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The happy mood that I was in earlier was slowly deteriorating. Why was Chris playing a game? There's nothing cute about that. He should've told me about Karrueche. Now both of us look stupid. Wait- I wonder if Karrueche even knows he kissed me? Probably not. After school, when I see Chris I'll ask him about her. And if he tries to lie, I definitely won't be interacting with him anymore.

"Can I talk to you later? I gotta finish the book for class," I lied so Mary would leave me alone.

"Yeah, sure. Bye baby, text me later!" Mary smiled, walking off.

I felt bad for making Mary leave, but my spirit was low, and my feelings were all over the place. I was upset, angry, jealous, but worst of all, hurt and betrayed.


I sauntered over to Chris's car slowly. In my mind I was trying to think of ways to bring up Karrueche to him. Should I ask if he's heard the rumor about himself? Or maybe if he likes anybody else? Or I can just woman up and ask him bluntly if he's seeing Karrueche. Yeah, theres no need to mess around, I'll just ask Chris directly.

"Whats wrong?" He asked immediately.

I shrugged my shoulders. I wanted to ask about Karrueche but a huge part of me was nervous of what his answer would be. What if he admits to having sex with her? I know I said I wouldn't talk to him anymore but its harder said than done. I am really, really into Chris. Just the thought of not being with him made me miserable.

"So then why you frowning and shit," he chuckled.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go 'head."

"Um, whats with you and Karrueche?" Chris gave me a blank look.

I licked my lips, anxiously. "Um, 'cause she was telling girls that you guys spent last night together at your house. . . " I faded off.

Chris hit the brakes at a red light, and looked at me. "Khadijah, do you like me?" He questioned.

"Yeah, of course."

"So, if I like you and you like me, why the fuck you letting what some random bitch said about me get you mad?"

"Um, well I don't know, I just thought. . ." I trailed off, because Chris was right. I had no evidence of him cheating except what Karrueche told her friend who told Mary who told me. One of us probably heard wrong.

"I'm not fucking around on you. We finished a project. It was late and I ain't feel like taking her home. She slept in the guest room," Chris explained. "My dick ain't involved," he joked.

The great mood I was in earlier was suddenly restored. Of course Chris wouldn't do that to me! He was kind and caring, and not like other guys!

I grabbed Chris's chin quickly and pulled him into a sweet kiss. "I'm sorry," I mumbled after we pulled apart. "Its all good," he replied sending me a cute smile.

The light turned green, and we made our way to Chris's house.


Chris's POV

I feel bad for lying to Khadijah. Me and Karrueche did smash but obviously I can't tell her that. I don't even know why but I was stuck on Dijah. There was just something about her. She wasn't like any girl I've been with before. I know I have a lot of issues (Bi-polar, anger) but around her I always felt relaxed, content, and at ease. We didn't even have sex yet but I still enjoyed being around her. I'm pretty sure she's still a virgin. I really like Dijah but I'm not finna wait for her to be ready. The fuck? Shit, it might just take a year.

Khadijah walked slightly ahead of me as we got into my house. She was wearing black leggings lookin' real good. When she went up the stairs to get to my room, her ass jiggled like crazy. I was tempted to smack it but didn't just 'cause I didn't want her to feel weird. Once, we were in the room, I took off my clothes just like yesterday.

Out the corner of my eyes, I saw her face blushing. It was too fucking cute how shy she was. I made my way to the bed where Khadijah lay. She moved over slightly to put space in between us but when I laid down, I grabbed her body so that we were together. She shifted a little so her head was on my shoulder. Her hair smelled so good, like peaches or some shit.

It was when I looked at Khadijah, that I realized how whipped I was. It was Friday and instead of making plans to get turnt I was in bed cuddling. I heard that August was throwing a party tonight but I wasn't gonna go to stay with Khadijah. I made up some dumbass excuse saying that my mom was making me go to Lytrell's house. It was a lie.

I wish I could bring Khadijah around my niggas but I can't. They'll roast me so fucking bad for being with her. She's just not the type of girl they like. I don't wanna be a dick and say she's a loser but I mean she's in the highest classes and has no friends. And for whatever fucking reason Kae and Christina don't like her. If I bring Khadijah around them, I know they'll never stop calling her basic and ugly and that sort of bullshit. I'm not embarrassed of Dijah, I'd just prefer to keep my friends separated from her.

"Whats wrong?" Khadijah asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing, why?"

"I don't know, you just seem deep in thought. Um, so Chris I have a question."

"Another one?" Damn, this girl is always asking something.

"Yeah. . . . " Khadijah looked away from me, I could tell she was nervous.

"Ask it," I urged.

"Um, so Chris what are we?"

I was feeling Dijah way to much to just let her be a friend. "Khadijah, do you wanna be my girl?"

She flashed me her perfect smile before grabbing my face to kiss me. Guess thats a yes?


Authors note- This was the first time I did Chris's POV so please tell me if you like. I'm girl and its way easier for me to write from a girls perspective instead of a boys so I apologize if Chris's POV is choppy.

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