Chapter 22

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Khadijahs POV

My good mood dispersed as soon as I walked through the door. If I thought Grandma was mad before, she must be livid now.

"Where were you?!" Grandma demanded, pacing around. "Do you know how worried I was?"

"At a friends," I replied, bored. I just want to be left alone.

"And who said you could leave?!"

I shrugged my shoulders. It was quiet for a little before she started to shake her head in a disappointed way.

"Whats gotten into you?" She spoke in a much softer tone.

"Why do you mean?"

"You've gotten detention, you ran out of school, you snuck out. . .this isn't you. Its Chris, that boy you've been seeing."

For a split second, I felt regret for leaving without permission. I don't want to worry her. But when she blamed Chris, my regret switched to anger. I'm not changing for Chris, i'm the same girl. Speaking of which, how does she even know about Chris? I never spoke about him to her.

"How do you know I see Chris?" I asked.

"Your Aunt told me about the conversation you two had. And I see the way you and Chris act around eachother."

"Well, he has nothing to do with my behavior."

"I don't want you talking to that boy."

"What?" I shouted. Grandma gave me a deadly look so I immediatly lowered my voice. "Why? I told you he doesn't have anything to do with this!"

"Well your actions say otherwise. You started acting out once you met him."


"But nothing. Your grounded. And you better not talk to that boy at school." Grandma said, very sternly.

I walked away to the bedroom. I slammed the door just so Grandma could know how mad I was. Me and Chris are doing great at the moment, why does she have to ruin my happiness?

Fml -Khadijah, 3:21pm
What happened lol -Chris, 3:23 pm
I can't really talk to you around my grandma -Khadijah, 3:24 pm
Like... -Chris, 3:24 pm
Like we can't be around my house at all incase she sees us. -Khadijah, 3:26pm

I heard my Grandma calling me so I placed my phone down.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Give me your phone."

I scoffed in annoyance. "Are you serious? Why?"

"Don't question me!"

I knew better than to argue with her. I went back to my room to grab my phone but before I handed it over, I wanted to finish my conversation with Chris.

Forreal -Chris, 3:26 pm
Yeah, and shes taking my phone so don't reply back -Khadijah, 3:29 pm

I gave my Grandma the phone reluctently. Then, I trudged back to my room to lay on the bed. She's ruining my life! Well, not literally but still. She's getting in between me and the one person that makes me happy.
I've never actually had Chris in my house. But we've had moments where he would pick me or drop me off at home. And now, how am I supposed to get in his house? From our house, she'd surely see me going inside his home. Not to mention, i'm grounded. We won't be able to go anywhere. How am I gonna be with or spend time with Chris? We're low-key at school and now I have to keep him a secret at home, too.
"Good morning Grandma, you look nice," I said sucking up. I want to get on her good side.

"Morning," she replied. I could tell she was still upset.

"Could I use my phone, please?"

"Why?" Grandma asked, suspiciously.

"I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately. You're right that I've changed. My grades are slacking. Theres a tutoring thing the school is doing and I want to call Mary to ask if it starts today," I said. All the words that slipt out of mouth were lies. I was actually going to talk to Chris. And theres no tutoring program. I only said that as an excuse to not come straight home.

"Call her," Grandma handed me my phone.

I clicked on Chris's name nervously. I hope I don't get caught.

"Hey baby. She gave you your phone already?" Chris asked. His morning voice was such a turn-on.

"Um, hey Mary. The tutoring thing starts today, right?" I stopped talking for a second as if someone replied.

"Its an hour and a half. You should go. And are you here yet? I'll wait outside. Hurry up so we won't be late to school."

"What?" Chris blurted out.

"K, bye." I said before hanging up and giving the phone back to Grandma.

"It does start today," I said to her.

"Okay, have a good day."
When I went outside, I was relieved to see Chris. I'm glad he got what I was saying. I rushed into the car.

"Go, go," I urged Chris. I hope Grandma doesn't see us through the window. Then, she'll ask when.Mary got a new car, and my lie will be exposed. Chris slight sped up. After we got away from my home, I started to relax.

I pecked Chris on the cheek. "Good morning."

"Mornin'. So you got your phone back?"

"No, she just let me use it for a minute," I groaned.

"And you grounded too?"

"Ugh, yeah."

Chris sucked his teeth. "She's trippin', you're 17."

"Exactly, who gets grounded after 12?"

"So, how am I supposed to see you?"

"I told her that i'm going to tutoring for an hour and a half today," I giggled.

"And theres no tutoring?"


"Wow, you bad as fuck," Chris exclaimed, obviously joking.

After laughing for a few seconds, my mood changed.

"I really don't wanna go to school. Everyone hates me," I pouted.

"Want me to go in with you?" Chris asked.

I was suprised by what he said. What made him suddenly want to be seen with me? Even if he wanted to be public, I didn't. I don't like attention. If everyone stares and talked about me and Micheal, I knew that it'll be 10x worse with Chris since he's more popular than Micheal. Also, the number of insults that will be hurled at me will also increase. Considering that I broke up with a boy yesterday, and today i'm with a new one. My reputation isn't so good now. I'd rather wait 'till its better to be with Chris publicly.

"Um, no its fine." We were like 2 blocks away from the school. "Actually, can you just drop me off here?"

Chris gave me a weird look. "You sure?"

The car stopped moving. "Bye baby," I said, giving Chris a kiss on the lips.
I got out the car and began walking. As soon as I left the car, I felt uncomfortable. Like someone was watching me.
Boring chapter, I know. But it'll pick up soon! Hope you enjoyed the read. -Khadijah

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