Chapter 20

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Khadijahs POV

"Hey Khadijah," Micheal spoke uneasily. I guess he got the hint from the message I sent him.

"Hey Micheal. I um want to talk about us."

"Yeah, I read your message. Whats wrong?"

"You're really nice and sweet and-" I got cut off by Micheal.

"You wanna break up?" He asked.

I nodded my head. Micheal stood there, eyes squinting in confusion. I felt a pang of regret but then I quickly reminded myself that its better to break up than to lead someone on.

"Why? Did I do something? You seemed happy yesterday," Micheal said.

"I just," I stopped talking to lick my lips. How do I word this? "I met someone else. And I don't want to lead you on," I said, truthfully.

Micheal looked at one last time before walking away. Well, it went better than I expected. I was expecting some type of argument and some yelling. But Im glad there was none of that. I know things will be awkward now but I hope he won't be too mad at me.
I caught up to Mary at lunch. I wanted to put her on about what just happened.

"Mary!" I shouted. She walked over to me and smiled but then frowned.

"Hey, whats wrong?" She asked.

"I broke up with Micheal," I revealed.

"What?!" Mary screamed, "why would you do that?!"

Should I tell her about Chris? I really just want to tell anyone. Its been hard keeping him a secret especially from my best friend. I want to have someone to vent, and cry and laugh to about Chris. And I mean its been awhile, i'm sure she's not that mad about what happened between them anymore.

"Well, its a really long story," I said.

"Well, I got time," she said, munching on a cookie.

"I broke up with Micheal because I like someone else," I confessed.

"And that someone else is. . .?"

"I like Chris."

Mary gave me a dirty look, "Are you talking about Brown? Why the fuck would you like him?" I guess she was still mad at him.

"Can I finish my story?" I asked, aggravated. I don't know why she has so much attitude. Yeah, he called her a bitch but that was one time.

"I guess," Mary mumbled.

"We actually dated for a little."

"What the fuck?" Mary raised her voice a little.

"It was before Micheal, and now I want to go back out with him."

"Mhm really?" she asked. Just by her tone I could tell she didn't believe me.

"Yeah, really," I said with a little attitude of my own.

"And how long did you and him date?" Mary questioned. She put up finger quotations are the word date as if I was lying.

"A week."

Mary stood up which made me stand up also. She laughed sarcastically.

"Khadijah, you're crazy!" She exclaimed, shaking her head.

"Really? You think I would lie about something like that?"

"You want to believe that Chris would date a girl like you? Fuck outta here."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know exactly what I mean by that," Mary inspected me, looking up and down my whole body. "And if you dated, how come I didn't hear about it 'till now?"

" 'cause we were tryna be low-key," I responded.

"Yeah, i'm sure thats the truth," her voice was full of sarcasm.

Mary turned around and walked away. Thats the second time today, that someone walked away from me.

I seriously can't believe how Mary reacted. Who lies about the people that they've dated? I wouldn't do that so I don't know why she would think Im lying. It really hurt my feelings when she said he wouldn't date someone like me. We were best friends! Friends don't put eachother down like that.

I broke up with Micheal in 2nd period. It was now 5th period. Word must travel fast in the school because everyone in the halls kept looking at me. They weren't looking at me in a friendly way either. I got tens of dirty looks and glances. And I also heard a few people say "bitch" or "slut" as I walked by. Its not like I cheated on Micheal but they still made the rude comments.

In the middle of 6th period was when I had had enough. Someone made a stupid comment calling me a slut and the whole class laughed.

"Mrs. Santiago, can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. I shoved the hall pass in her hand, which would hopefully let her know that she needed to hurry up and sign it.

"Sure honey."

When she handed me back the pass, I zoomed out of the small room. I'm not going to the bathroom. Without even thinking about it, I ran to the nearest exit and left the building.
I knew that I would be in an extreme amount of trouble with the school but I don't care at this point. This is the worst school day I've ever had. I just want to be away from everyone.

Right when I got into my house, I shoved my shoes off my feet. I was planning on just falling asleep and forgetting my terrible day. Sadly, my Grandma, Aunt, and Uncle were standing there waiting for me.

"Are you crazy?! Why did you run out of school?" My grandma shouted.

I stood there silently. Even if I tried to explain why I ran out, they would just yell more about me being immature. I'm not exaggerating when I said they shouted at me for more than an hour. Each of them screamed for about 20 minutes. At this point, my head was pounding and I felt like crying. I feel like everyone was against me. No one was on my side now.

I left the room to see my Grandma napping on the couch. Huh, maybe
yeling at me wore her out. I slyly managed to get out the door. Once again, I had sneaked out of where I was supposed to be. I know doing this will only piss off my family more but I need fresh air.

When I was a good distance away from my house, I pulled out my phone. My finger lingered above his name for a little but I finally got the courage to text him.

Are you home? -Khadijah, 2:43
Yeah why? - Chris, 2:46
Can I come over? -Khadijah, 2:46
Yeah -Chris, 2:46
"Hey," I said stepping into Chris's house.

"Hey. What happened today?" Chris asked.

"Ugh, I had the worst day ever!" I groaned.

Chris sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. "Tell me about it."

I sat criss cross apple sauce, then started talking, "I broke up with Micheal," I ignored the huge grin on Chris's face. "then, I got into an argument with Mary. I left school 'cause everyone was calling me a slut. I got yelled at for like 5 years by family," I explained.

As I was talking, I was watching Chris out of the corner of my eye. He grew out his curls which looked great on him. And those lips. Oh, how much I miss kissing them. Chris was so addictive. And now since we were alone, I had a chance to tell him how I felt.

"Why'd you break up with Micheal?" Chris asked.

"I told him that I wanted to be with someone else."

Chris and I held eye contact. He pushed my hair out of my face. I leaned closer and hungrily attached my lips to his.
Hey everyone! I'm having a great day, so I decided to update again since the last chapter was shitty lol Don't forget to comment your thoughts on what Khadijah just did. -Khadijah

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