Chapter 12

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Khadijah's POV

Instead of pulling apart, the kiss between Chris and I seemed to last forever. It felt like our lips were just made for each other. They moved perfectly in sync. But our romantic, harmonious kiss was stopped for something more erotic. In just a few seconds a whole different side of Chris came out. He was harsher, more dominant.

Chris bit my bottom lip just hard enough to make me slightly whimper. He took that opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. I'd never been french kissed before so I let Chris take control. His tongue swirled around mine causing all types of new sensations to go through my body. He roughly sucked my bottom lip before backing up a little.

Without even giving me a second to catch my breath, Chris flipped us over so he was on top. His eyes darkened slightly. They were full of lust and desire. He lowered his face down to mine but instead of kissing me on the lips, he softly placed multiple kisses on my right cheek. Then, he gently bit my earlobe before kissing my jawline and eventually my neck.

He sucked and bit right behind me ear causing my body to shiver. He kept going lower before he placed one final kiss directly on my throat. Chris's hands snuck their way under my shirt. He caressed my waist sensually. Without even protesting, I complied to Chris as he took my shirt off. I was left exposed in front of him with only my basic black bra to cover my chest.

Chris unclasped my bra with ease then took it off. This kiss was going way farther then what I was expecting. No way am I ready to do anything sexual. My head was screaming to tell Chris to stop, but it was like I was under Chris's control. My body responded greatly to Chris's touches. Everything he did caused tingles of pleasure to rush through me.

One of Chris's hands toyed with my left breast. He attached his mouth onto my right nipple. His tongue was swirling around and biting my right nipple while his hand pulled on the left. Everything felt so good, I actually let out a soft moan. Chris removed his face from my breast to make eye contact with me. His eyes were full of eagerness. He licked his lips before placing several sloppy, wet kisses down my stomach going lower each time.

While my body was relaxed before, now I completely tensed up as Chris kept getting closer to my womanhood. As soon as his hands unbuttoned my jeans and slightly pulled them down, I panicked and pushed his hands away.

"Chris stop," I said.

He gave me a look of confusion. "Baby, I wanna make you feel good," he mumbled. He put his hands on my thighs once again and inched the jeans down more.

I scooted up to an up-right position to create space between Chris and I. "Chris, I can't. I-I-I'm not ready," I stuttered

Chris stood up and scoffed. His stared at me angrily for a few more seconds. I crossed my arms to try and cover myself under his gaze. He walked out the room without saying a word. I didn't want Chris mad at me but there was no way am going to sacrifice something as important as my virginity to make him happy!

I put on my bra and shirt. I sat in the bed for at least 5 minutes waiting for Chris but he never returned to the room. I searched for Chris and found him in the living room watching TV. Just from his body language (sitting tense, clenched jaw) I could tell he was still mad. I saw him glance at me but he made no effort to speak. Chris was making me feel awkward and belittled.

Making sure I had all my items (Bookbag, phone, jacket) I approached Chris. He ignored me.

"Um, Chris I think i'm gonna go," I spoke softly.

"Bye," he replied harshly.


I walked out of Chris's house feeling unwanted. I'm 16 and he's 17. Of course the topic of sex would come up in our relationship but I didn't think it would this early. We've known eachother for 5 days! We've been dating for like 15 minutes! It's way to soon to have sex. I wish Chris would've been nicer about me not wanting sex. Him storming out the room and ignoring me really hurt my feelings.

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