"What is it that you want us for, exactly?" Alya asked, already recording for the Ladyblog. 

"Well, I was berated for not having the potential to be a news anchor, so I'm proving them all wrong. I needed to find a story with the proper emotions to truly make this an interesting scoop. You of all people should know that, Ladyblogger." Alya squeaked in shock. News Anchoress clapped her hands and had Nadja Chamack sit on one couch and Marinette on the other. She put everyone else in the back on other seats as they whispered quietly. As the akuma started telling them what to do, the baker girl sighed. She just wanted to go home.

"Alright, I think we're ready!" She pointed to Nadja. "You're my co-host. Just follow my lead with this story and ask the appropriate questions." Nadja nodded, not wanting to upset the akuma and put everyone at risk. She counted off as they went live around Paris.

"Good afternoon, Paris. This will be a special episode of Face-to-Face, with our co-host..." Nadja looked at the akuma.

"News Anchoress, and today we have a great scoop! We're going to uncover why this particular group have such a negative aura, and it will be nothing but the truth! And just to make sure it's all correct, there will be a lie detector on the screen." The camera pointed up to the screen behind them. "It will be green as long as it's the truth, and red when there's a lie. Our first person is this young lady!" The camera pointed to Marinette, who looked down in nervousness. She needed to leave and transform before the akuma could do anything rash. And she didn't want to deal with all the drama in the class being revealed on live tv like a reality show.

"So, your name is apparently Marinette Dupain-Cheng, your parents own a bakery that everyone loves, and you have many friends. But also several enemies. Care to explain?" News Anchoress sounded so calm and collected, like she was actually going to listen. That's more than the class would do for her.

Mrs. Bustier walked up. "Excuse me, I don't think you should be filming my student without consent-" News Anchoress made a zipped lips motion, and the teacher went silent. 

"You will get your turn to talk. That time is not now." She faced the teen as the teacher cowered away. "Go on, please."

Marinette fiddled with her bag strap as her leg bounced a little. Chloe saw this and sat down by the girl, surprising everyone. "Dupain-Cheng here is one of the friendliest people in the class. She likes to make sure everyone is comfortable, can have someone to talk to, and tries to see the best in everyone." Chloe gave her a side smile. "And forgiving when she feels it's necessary." Marinette smiled back. 

Nadja was confused, wasn't Chloe usually meaner? "So, what exactly has happened in the class, if you don't mind me asking. Miss Bourgeois has a different...demeanor than we are all used to." Chloe rolled her eyes while Marinette grinned.

"Sometimes it can take awhile for someone to change, but that doesn't mean it's not possible." News Anchoress liked this. Chloe, the town brat, has turned a new leaf because of the saint of the class. But there was still a negative tension in the class. 

"Alright, now it's time for the more personal part of the discussion. Why is there so much tension in the class?" The duo cringed, knowing that this was going to be a disaster. Alya decided to answer the question, since she apparently knows everything.

"I can answer that for you, Miss Anchoress." The akuma rolled her eyes that the child could not follow simple instructions. How was she going to become a reporter when she can't even do that? "Marinette has been nothing but a bully since Lila showed up. She attacks her, destroys her belongings, and steals!"

"But don't you do the same thing?" Alya froze. "Not to mention, I doubt you have any proof that this all happened."

Alya stuttered. "Of course it all did! Lila said-"

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