🌺 - Oh! Just forget what i said...

296 3 8

Narrator tells Stanley he's going to confess to him next reset but they realizes he literally just confessed (he's a silly little goober)

CW - Swearing

AU - Narrator can't read Stanley's mind.


Narrator looked at Stanley through his many monitors. All of them focusing on the protagonist. Stanley had fallen asleep in the broom closet. How unsurprising.

Narrator had nothing to do but watch Stanley nap peacefully. Even if he wanted to stop watching it felt like his eyes was fixated on Stanley. The way his chest rose and fell slowly, the way some strands of hair were untidy. Just everything...

Narrator could feel his face warm up. He'd had this massive crush on Stanley.. For like years? Who knows, is there even time in the parable? No matter how much Nar tried to push down these feelings, they always came back. Narrators heart ached whenever he saw Stanley giving the bucket affection. A strong sense of jealousy in him. He hated it. How he longed to be in Stanley's arms instead of the bucket being in Stanley's arms.

Over time to learnt that these feelings aren't going to go away any time soon, or even go away at all! So, he sucked it up and embraced it. God it hurt him. He had no idea if Stanley felt the same way. After all, he'd been a bitch to Stanley in the past.

His love for Stanley was starting to kill him. He needed to confess. So, next reset Nar planned on confessing to Stanley. Even if he was rejected he had to.

Narrator watched Stanley, his eyes half lidded. Wanting to be next to Stanley, holding him. Something he'd never be sure would ever happen.

⌗ TIMESKIP- When Stan wakes up ⌗

Stanley slowly woke up. Taking his sweet time to fully adjust to the bright light. He slept in a rather uncomfortable position. Stretching being yawning, he looked around the room remembering he forgot to bring the bucket with him. What a pain.


"Oh! Oh yes Stanley, you're finally awake. You alright?"

[Yup, I'm okay. How long did I sleep for?]

"Oh- oh er, I don't know. I wasn't paying attention to the time."

[Okay then- what was you doing while I was napping?]

"I- uh. I was, uhh.."

[You was?]

"I was sorting out my scripts! Aha."


Narrator sighed a breathy sigh of relief. He didn't want to admit to watching Stan sleep because literary just sounds creepy.

A stupid thought hit the narrator.

What if he told Stanley next reset he was going confess so Stan would be ready!

What a good idea.

Narrator cleared his throat and adjusted his tie because he felt like it.



"I need to tell you something."


"Okay. So, next reset im going to confess to you that I've loved for so long that I can't even remember! So, be prepared okay?"

There was a awkward pause. Stanley couldn't help but giggle and his face went a bit pink.

The fact Nar had just confessed to him accidentally without properly realizing it. And the fact Stan liked him back? Wow.

[You know you that you pretty much just confessed to me?]

Narrators brain finally click and he buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. How does one be so stupid that they accidentally confess their love?? I guess Narrators that dumb.

"Oh! Aha, just forget what I said-"

Stanley smiled, feeling amused. It was always so funny hearing Nar being embarrassed or flustered.

Narrator pressed the reset button to get this over with. The quicker he said it the sooner he'd feel at ease. Well he hoped.

Stanley smiled, leaning back in his office chair. A knock came from his door. Before he even replied Nar walked in, his face blushing.



"I wanted to tell you that.. I've liked you for such a long time I can't remember when I've realized I did. I understand if you love me back because I've been such an asshole-"

Before Narrator could begin to ramble Stanley stood up and hugged the shorter man. A warm and firm hug. The last thing Narrator expected but the first thing he wanted. Nar hugged back and smiled.


700 words in total not including this.

Haha sillies

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