💥- Skip button

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Stan does skip button ending and one of the skips he found narrator crying, then game suddenly resets, he meets TK and finds out TK I'd the reason why they couldn't leave the skip button room


*Insert the part where narrator is making Stanley go into Skip button room bc I'm hella lazy to write the dialogue*

Stanley stepped inside the new room, the room was plain. A area in the middle, and in that very middle stood a yellow button with a skip symbol on it. A few steps behind the button was a low wall with the clock on it and and small potted plant at the side. Around the area was some plain old railing. He crept towards the button. He flinched when the narrator had finally started talking.

"So Stanley! They want a skip button? Ask and they shall receive. What are your thoughts on the room?"

Stanley didn't know why the narrator was so keen on criticism but he didn't comment on it.

[It's a alright room]

"Alright? Eh, I'll take that! So, basically whenever I go on some ramble and when you get bored, all you need to do is press the button! You'll skip time for a minute or two, not quite sure how it works"

[Okay then]

"Go on press it!"

[But I'm not bored]

"Well then I'll make you bored"

This wasn't something the narrator would say. Normally he'd use the best of his ability to entertain almost anyone. Not to mention the fact this button gave Stanley weird vibes. It just wasn't right. Something was off. As Stanley was going into thought, he snapped back to reality from hearing the narrator ranting about how amazing and cool sharks are and telling shark facts.

This quickly bore Stanley. He reluctantly pressed the button. His vision went blurred and then it went completely black. His vision was quickly restored. He glanced at the clock on the wall in front of him. Only 5 minutes had passed. Wasn't so bad after all.

"Ah! Stanley you're back! I was on a rant and you pressed the button. You was standing there, lifeless? Well standing though and not moving! Only for 5 minutes! Not too bad eh? Go on press it again!"

[I think I've had enough of this room. We should carry on with the story. I've already had a ago anyways.]

Stanley wanted to get out. He didn't feel very comfortable being near this button.

"Oh come on! Just one more time alright? It won't hurt! What's the worst that'd come out of it"


Stanley pressed the button again. His vision blurring, fading to black and after a second he returns. He glances up at the clock. Only 12 minutes passed? Alright a bit longer than last time but that's fine. No biggie.

"Stanley! You're back. It was a tad bit longer than last time but that's completely fine! See? The skip button is useful. Cookie9 was correct, the thing this game needed was a button to make it more easier and enjoyable. Don't you agree? Y'know what? Press it one more time Stanley! I was to enjoy this moment as much as I can!"

Stanley didn't protest. If he did the narrator would keep on annoying him until he he'd eventually cave in, so there was no point. No matter how much he didn't want to press it, he did anyways. The same process happening, vision blurring, fading black and awaking a second after.

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