🍁/🧸 - The atmosphere is suffocating (AU)

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Stanley is at a party, there's loads of people and he realizes that he's gonna have a panic attack. Nathan (Narrator) tries to help him

AU - Stanley and Narrator are both young teenagers (Narrator is one year older for the sake of it) and they're both doing dumb and stupid stuff. In this chapter it's a party they was invited to, some kids parents are out all that stuff. Stanley has selective mutism and autism.

CW - Mentions of loud sounds, panic attacks

Please correct me if I've gotten anything wrong, I've never had a panic attack before (I think) and I don't have selective mutism.


Stanley stood in the corner of the room. It was all too loud. Overly bright lights, people shouting the top of their lungs..

He stood their, eyes darting one place to another. Glancing over to his left, there was a long table covered in food. Well, was covered in food. Most of it was taken by the other people who were partying. His eyes fell on a bowl of punch.

[Maybe that'll help me calm down..]

He went over to got a cup of punch. He took a sip of it but it didn't do much. The music was loud, so many people, so many things..

He backed up into his corner feeling extremely stressed. He didn't want to go but his friend Jim peer pressured him into it. Where even was Jim? Oh well, doesn't matter. He was probably off making out with some girls.

Stanley's breathing got heavier and quicker. His head hurt and he felt horrible.

"Hey? Stan you okay?"

Stanley flinched, not expecting to be spoken to. Nathan being his crush as well making it worse. Being stressed out and suddenly being talked to? Stanley found himself unable to talk. Well he never talked to Nathan. But still.

He didn't reply and his breathing soon became rapid.

[Shit I'm having a panic attack.]

Nathan looked at Stan with a concerned expression. Soon he picked up on the heavy breathing and darting eyes. He grabbed Stanley's hand, weaving through a crowd of sweaty people, making it outside.

It was a somewhat chilly night. Nathan sat Stanley down on the front yard patio then sitting down next to him.

"I'm not great with dealing stuff like this- The best I know is to take deep breaths. Could you try do that?"

Stanley obeyed and shakily took deep breaths. Some tears rolled down his cheeks. He wasn't quite sure what just happened. Stanley was shaking a bit.

Nathan shifted a bit closer towards Stanley. Looking away for a moment before speaking.

"So.. You feeling better?"

Stanley nodded in reply. He felt comfortable sitting outside, the cook breeze was nice. This whole night was bizarre.

"Ah, that's good. All that matters is that you're feeling better now."

Stanley fought the massive urge to rest his head on Nathans shoulder.


485 words in total not including this




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