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Under the midnight sky, clouds blanket the realm with gentle breezes passing through his platinum hair. The blonde locks sway as his low ponytail’s golden ribbon waves flimsily. His golden skin is clear as the sun, as the white tunic he wears is the purest of all, making the snow far below them look tarnished. He sits on the bar of scaffolding, overlooking the beautiful city of Hiroshima, holding his right peck as he coughs lightly. Behind him, leaning on a beam of red steel, a man sticks to the shadows yet his silvery hair gives the outline of his face.

The man looks into the distance, asking the shadow, “Did your mother never teach you manners, Vali? I have a lot to do, especially sleep.”

“I thought you could use some help, Yamato.” Vali grows a toothy grin, “Afterall, a lost tool is one most wanted.”

“Then get it for me, you are Azazel’s dog aren’t you?” He punches his chest, a hollow thud coming from.

Vali clicks his tongue and pushes off the beam, saying, “I’m not retrieving them, just the thief. If you want it back, then I’ll have to ask you again-” Yamato lets out a series of coughs, choking out glittery golden light. “Join my squad, we can even soothe the pain.”

He spits out a ball of light and slaps it away. His distant eyes look to the East. “That sounds nice, but I’m leaving this city. I sense light in this country, and am going to follow it.”

“You angels,” Vali scoffs, “and you say pride is a sin.”

“Piss off…” Yamato wheezes out. He stands on the pole and drops into the window washing basin. “I will get through this.”

“All do… But which way do you think you’re going?” Above Yamato, a jet of pale blue light soars over him as Vali takes his leave.

Yamato lets out a long cough, spitting out more dust. “- You’re always such a dick, but I guess that’s why you’re tolerated…”

Yamato walks into the building through the empty window, going down by sliding down the elevator shaft. At floor zero, a chauffeur waits for him outside a blacked out car. He waits for Yamato in full attention, wearing a suit as bright as the sun with blue sunglasses.

The man opens the back door with a bow. “How was your meeting, sir?”

“As annoying as ever…” Yamato gets in the back and relaxes with a bottle of brewski, drowning out his pains. “Take me home, I’ve got a lot to do…”

“Of course, Yamato-sama.” The door is closed and leaves Yamato to bathe in silence, his magenta eyes bloodshot as dark rings sag under his socket.

“Suzuki-san, I want you to open a position in central Kuoh Town…” Yamato orders. “I don’t care what job, just get one… I’ll worry about housing…”

“Yes, sir. But what of the boss?”

“Wish him a happy birthday… and remind him of the ending of our contract…” Yamato watches as they are parked outside an apartment building, and he leaves by himself. “Be sure to deliver this through a door…”

Yamato walks into his home-for-now, the cramped home being very ragged and thrown around, the walls stained with black spots and cuts, dried blood splattered on the floor. He drops onto his bed, dusty feathers blast up and falls on him, one even landing at his eyes. His magenta eyes grow watery and steams, from his back three pairs of dark white wings unfold. The longest feather, at the tip of his top left wing, a pure white feather remains, a golden hue stuck to it. He holds the wing, cradling the feather with his wings.

“Father… forgive me…” He mumbles before sleep could finally take him.

By morning, he created a magic circle of golden light under his place. In its core, a sigil of flame with six feathered wings shows his blood. It absorbs all that is his, leaving the trash for him to bag. As it is all done, he flaps off the feathers that have fallen, leaving flesh to just bare with a single white feather. He folds in his wings before he packs them into trash, piling bag after bag into the corner before he leaves. Yamato dresses himself in a suit of pale blue, on his chest a small brooch in the shape of a scepter pinned through his left lapel, it lets off a gentle green light from the head.

Walking outside, he is met with Suzuki-san waiting outside his car once again. The door is opened as before with a bow, “Yamato-sama, I have done what you asked. Hayashi-kakka wishes you to speak with him.”

“Fine…” Yamato rests in the car, letting himself be taken to a quant bar, closed with curtains blocking.
“Hayashi-Kakka is inside, do be courteous.” Suzuki-san warned.

“See you around, Suzuki-san…” Yamato enters the bar, within many formal men are celebrating with cake and drink, their jackets hung up and sleeves pulled back, showing off full or ends of tattoos. At his arrival, two young children cheer for him, calling Yamato their uncle with a welcoming hug. “Heya, watch the back kiddos…” He lets out a deep laugh and pats their heads.

“Yamato-kun! Come, sit with us, my friend!” Hayashi-san, an older and venerable man, excitefully exclaims, waving to his long table with many in attendance.

“Hayashi-san, I can’t stay for long… sorry…” Yamato sits at a chair beside the man. He warned in a warm tone, “You’re final desire, so make use of it.”

“So early, come on, it’s my birthweek!” The man sways as he lifts his half-bottle. “Fine!” He puffs his cheek and ponders, his eyes gazing across the room. “... My grandchildren, can you bless them with protection?”

“That is all, not even yourself? Done…” Standing, Yamato crotches to the young children that see him as uncle. One is just reaching their teens, while the other is barely in school. The small humans giggle as Yamato brushes his thumbs across their forehead, white flames tickling over their skin to cross. His voice booms as he grants them boons, a voice gently but strong.  “May St. Barachiel’s holy lightning fills your souls with protection. May m-... May Uriel’s holy radiance grant you light in uncertainty, her holy flame guide you and bring peace. In the name of the father, the son, and holy spirit; may it be so… Amen…” Over his head, a halo of white flame forms, dimming out the lights with peace of mind washing over the souls in sight. “Look at you two, your grandpa truly knows what is important…” Giving them a faint smile, he stands and turns off his halo. “You must remember, these blessings only hold so long as you do not sin; if you do, then repent as soon as you can.”

“Those prayers, do they actually work?” A coworker asks Yamato.

“Not always, that varies on the sin done…” Yamato frowns and fixes his jacket. Hiding his frown under his hand, “But, the loss of faith, that is a sin most unforgiven…” He then smiles and pats the kids on the head, “So don’t forget about me, eh?”

The kids yell in unison, “Kay!” and giggles as they bugger off, spoiled as they are they respect the zone for adults.

“Hayashi-san, I have finished our contract with Holy Power… A price of only Faith in the Father, pure in belief….” Yamato bows to the room, crossing his legs with an arm held back, on standing he forms a wide brimmed hat and takes his leave. Once the doors close behind him, he holds his chest with a smile, “Farewell, O-jiisan…”

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