The Secret

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I meet the girls and Lewis at the cafe, I walk up to them and say "The cute ones here!" they all laugh and I ask "So, what are we talking about today?" Emma says "My whole family hates me, and there's nothing I can do about it

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I meet the girls and Lewis at the cafe, I walk up to them and say "The cute ones here!" they all laugh and I ask "So, what are we talking about today?" Emma says "My whole family hates me, and there's nothing I can do about it." I say "Ah, the usual." Lewis laughs with me and Cleo says "I'm sure that's not true." Emma says "They do." I say "You know what. probably." Cleo scolds "Madi!" Emma looks at me distraught. and I say "What? It's true they can't go on their annual family vacation because Emma's a fish." they all give me a cold glare and I say "Okay, note to self, keep opinions inside not outside." they all laugh at me stupid comments. Emma continues to Talk while Cleo and Lewis ignore her. "Especially Elliot. I mean, he's just a little kid, he doesn't deserve to go without his holidays. Lewis? Are you listening to me, Lewis?" he asks "What?" Rikki and I chuckle quietly. Emma says "This is important." Lewis says "Oh, yeah, I'm, I'm listening." Emma says "You know, I'm really starting to hate this whole." then Dr. Denman comes up and says "Lewis. sorry to interrupt. Can I have a word?" he nods and goes to talk to her. I say "I'm really starting to hate this Marine biologist." Rikki leans into Cleo and says "You're right. Her eyes are too close together." he walks back over and Dr. Denman says to us "Sorry for the interruption." and she leaves we look at him expectantly. Emma asks "What did she say?" Rikki asks "What was that about?" I ask "Do we need to worry about her?" and Cleo asks "Do you think she's pretty?" we all look at her and she says "Sorry." Lewis says "There's. there's a possibility that she may have, um." Rikki says "Spit it out, Lewis." I add "Today, preferably." he says "She's found some evidence." Emma says "You said she didn't have anything." I add "It's not mine is it?" Lewis says "It's not your's Madi. your DNA acts differently than the girls and Dr. Denman never had yours. she hasn't got- anything. sh- she found a cell sample from one of your tails." Emma and Rikki say in unison "What?" Lewis adds "Look, from Mako island. from the moon pool." Cleo says "This is really bad." Lewis says "Look, I know it looks that way. I do, okay? but let's just think about it. we'll just think about it." Rikki says "That almost never helps, Lewis." Lewis defends "She has an unusual cell sample. She cannot link that to you. we'll just make sure it stays that way." Cleo adds "Hope so, Lewis." I say "We'll just be extra careful. and someone should tell Roman." Rikki says "I have to meet up with him anyways." and she walks out. I say nothing and just get up and leave. when I go outside I see Zane and Dr. Denman arguing. 


I go see Zane at his house, he was just getting out of the pool so I kept my distance. I say "Hey." as he drys himself off. he  says "hey." I add "So, I saw you talking to the Marine Biologist today." he asks "Are you Jealous, Madi?" I stutter "W-what? N-No. No, I am not Jealous." he chuckles and says, "I think you are." I say "Okay, maybe only slightly though." he laughs as my face turns beet red from embarrassment. I say "I was also just a little curious." he tells me "She's conducting research. counting fish. that sort of thing. nothing interesting." I ask confused "Really? I thought I heard she was onto something big." he turns and says "What? She told she didn't find anything. She told me she was just counting boring fish. what have you heard, Madi?" I say "Nothing. I'm probably wrong. In fact I know I'm wrong. Just forget it." he says "I knew it. She's trying to rip me off. She knows something about the mermaid." I groan annoyed and say "Oh, Zane. Why can't you just let that stupid mermaid thing go?" he says mad "Because it's real, Madison. that's why." I say "Well, it's getting old. and I am sick and tired of hearing about it. if it's so real why have you been the only one to see it? Have you ever thought about that, Zane? why can't you find something more useful to obsess over?" Zane says "You know you are exactly like my father. nobody ever believes me." I say "Maybe there's a reason for that." he says "You know what, maybe you are like your scumbag of a father." I look at him hurt that he said that to me. tears start to appear in my eyes and he says as I start to back up and leave "Wait, Madi! wait, that's not what I meant! Madi!" but I just run off forgetting about him. 


I meet up with the girls, Lewis, and Roman at Emma's and told them about what Denman told Zane. Emma says "Dr. Denman is definitely up to something. she told two different things to Lewis and Zane. she's obviously lying to one of them." I nod but stay by the window looking outside. Cleo says "I knew she was trouble. She's gonna catch us and study us like freaks." Rikki says "Cleo." Cleo continues "Put us in a tank and see if we can talk to fish. probably squid. I hate squid." Rikki says "Cleo." Cleo continues but I zone them out now thinking about what Zane said. my phone keeps buzzing but I ignore it knowing it's Zane. Emma asks "You okay, Madi?" I don't respond too lost in my thoughts when Roman sits beside me and asks "Mads, you doing okay?" I ask "Me? Yeah, I'm fine." Cleo says "I know, it's really upsetting." Emma says "Look, we need to find out exactly what Denman knows." Roman says "Emma's right. Until we know what she knows we are stuck in the dark being overly cautious." Rikki says "I think I know where to start." 


we all head to the moon pool. obviously, we swam there, it's faster than a boat. when we go in we don't see the underwater cameras that are about to ruin many parts of our lives. when we get in we see footprints everywhere. Cleo says "She's been here. that woman has been here." Rikki says "This is dangerous. she's too close. we can't come here anymore. not now" Cleo says "but this is our place. our special place." Rikki says "Not anymore." Emma says "Rikki's right. we have to keep a low profile. That means total lockdown." Cleo asks "So no more coming here? No more swimming with the dolphins? no more midnight swims?" Emma says "Nothing. no mermaids." Cleo asks "For how long?" Emma says "As long as we have to, ok?" Rikki says "Okay." Cleo says "okay." Emma asks "Madi?" I say "okay." Cleo asks "your not upset?" I say "after a while, you get used to disappointment. it doesn't hurt so much." we all leave one by one. 


I get home and Mom says "Madi, we need to talk." I nod and sit at the table with the boys. Mom says "Your father and I and our lawyers have talked." I groan and say "Tell him to buzz off." Mom says "Madi, let me finish." I nod and she continues "Your father wants sole custody have just Madi. I told him I would not allow that. so we came up with. that during the summer he will get each of you for the amount of time you choose to spend with him minus Dallas who has to spend a month with him as he is under 16 and doesn't get a choice." Roman says "I will do 3 weeks." everyone looks at me and I say shocking everyone "One week. that's it." I get up and head to my room to relax and process what just happened.

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