The Denman Affair

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Rikki, Cleo, Emma, Lewis, and I are talking as we walk along the beach

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Rikki, Cleo, Emma, Lewis, and I are talking as we walk along the beach. Lewis says "I have been working all day, every day. and I think I am getting close to figuring out what your transformation's all about." I groan annoyed and say "Lewis, it's magic. you'll never figure it out." Cleo and Emma give me a 'shut up.' look. Emma says "lewis, we kinda figured that one out ourselves." Rikki says "yeah, for me it was the tails. was it the tails for you, Cleo, or.." Cleo says "ease off on lewis. he's trying to help." Lewis says "exactly! science is the key that unlocks the door to the mystery of life. but you don't care much, do you?" Rikki and I say "No." Lewis continues "in the next week or so, I'm going to have the opportunity to, well there is someone arriving today she is a dolphin researcher at the marine park. her name's Denman. she did her Ph.D. at 21! can you believe that?" Rikki says "I'm tingling." I say "I don't care." he continues "these days she's one of the world's leading experts in aquatic mammalian cellular evolution. if I can tap into her research." Emma cuts him off asking "and how are you going to get access to a scientist like her, Lewis?" He says "I have my methods." Rikki says "No way! you're not going to tell a real scientist about us. especially Madison." I turn angry and say "Lewis, if you say one word about me to her I will end you and it will be painful." he says "guys it's me! I'll be careful. wait, what do you mean real scientist?" I roll my eyes. Emma says "she can't know about us." Rikki asks "what if she wants to dissect us?" I add "or perform experiments on us?" Cleo adds "what if she goes public on us?" he says "she's a marine biologist." I cut him off saying "exactly Lewis. she's a marine biologist. they love to share their research with the world." he ignores my comment and says "and she'll have equipment that makes the stuff at school look like toys. if you guys want answers, I need access to it and her research." Rikki asks "and how are you going to do that without spilling your guts about us?" he says "I was thinking charm." I say "we're dead." Cleo says "No. Seriously." he says "come on, guys. all I'm asking is that you trust me." Emma says "Okay. we do need to know what's happening to us." Rikki says "he'll never get to see her, anyway." I say "I'm still out. I'm sorry but I just don't want to risk that." Emma says "we get it. you have more to lose." Lewis says "come on, Mads. please." I say "I said no, lewis!" he puts his hands up in surrender. I say "I'm gonna go write some music for a bit." Cleo asks "are we ever gonna hear any of it?" I shake my head and say "who knows." they groan as I laugh and run off to the beach to write.


As I sit on the beach and write Rikki joins me. she says "I get why you said no." I say "thanks." I close my books and ask "how are things with my brother?" she smiles and says "good. he's a sweet guy." I smile and say "yeah, he is the best big brother ever." she smiles and asks "are you really never gonna show anyone your songs?" I sigh and say "not never. but I don't know. I always feel like people are gonna hate them." she says "sing one to me." I ask "what?" she says "sing one to me. I'll be honest with you and you can get all those feelings off your chest." I say "okay..." I flip through my book for my favorite one and clear my throat and start to sing it. "Standing on the platform, watching you go It's like no other pain I've ever known To love someone so much, to have no control You said, "I want to see the world", and I said, "Go "But I think I'm lost without you I just feel crushed without you 'Cause I've been strong for so long That I never thought how much I needed you I think I'm lost without you" I look up at Rikki and she is smiling. I ask "was it good?" she asks "good? that was amazing!" I ask "really?" she nods and says "you got to sing those more often." I smile and say "I'll try." then we get a text from Cleo in the group chat asking to meet up. we go meet up with her and Emma.

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