01. Nice People.

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Chapter 01: Nice People.

Some people think being nice and kind is a waste of time. My mom used to say that people can't appreciate other's people's kindness, which leads to disappointment in the long run...

You end up being like everyone else, rude.

I didn't agree with her.

My mom believes life has smiled her way bigger since she cares a fuck about other people. I just think that she has put way too much emphasis on her words, on her actions, on her everything.

Don't misunderstand me, I am not the most positive person, the nicest and sweetest in the town, but the truth was that being a cordial person with the bare minimum manners got me a good one:

Mister Jeon.

Or better known as Jeon Robert.

He was a sixty-seven years old millionaire, with a great "crew" at his back. A noble, generous, smart, and kind person. In the media, his great personality was known but not everyone take it into count. Jeon was somehow private and lowkey before the cameras. That makes nothing, though, because people kept talking about him. After all, he had a great history in his legacy, and that included RoJeons.

That was the simple and predictable name Robert put as a brand to his blog when he was a young man. A blog that talked about the social problems from day to day, and how he survived those little things, with the most perfect grammar and spelling, and quotes that today at day were copied and pasted down teenager's Instagram posts.

Mister Robert had captivated a big part of the population with that blog. But let's be real... it was the ninety.

Even when he had that certain public, the Internet wasn't part of every citizen from the country.

It was then that things started to turn serious.

Mister Jeon looked at the blog as a relief method. He wasn't an eighteen years old youngster wanting to be somebody in social media. He was around thirty years, and a major part of his life was believed to be "made". But suddenly, a television network contacted him and offered him a plan to expand the project he already initiated with his blog.

The contract was so much more interesting than he thought, not only because they would spread his words around, but because the salary was bigger than his actual real job.

It was stupid to reject it.

And that's how his life changed. Overnight, his voice and his words were on the radio and tv, reaching every United States citizen, with the name of "RoJeon" getting to be known.

Mister Jeon didn't stop there.

It went to a point where his name, his show, and his blog were so much more important than the same television network. His absence would mean a big loss for the owners. So Jeon bought it all.

He became the owner of the television network, and he started a series of projects that elevated his equity to the cloud. Beginning with his advertising company, his editorial, and his audiovisual streaming production company that earned millions, to his most "human side" with the Apprentice Academy where all the activities before mentioned were developed for young people.

Worth to mention, the Academy was not a means of profit... but it did elevate Jeon's reputation.

Whatever... With something that he definitely haven't planned, Mister Jeon had created part of the industry.

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