Chapter 27

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They shuffled, looking around. Then one by one, they stepped forward. "We will fight." They announced. "You might have the power, but we have the numbers, and we have your leader."

"Kill them all, bring me the girl!" The woman yelled as she broke free from Chris's grasp. Becca watched in horror as her mother declared death. Theo and Willow shifted, dropping to all fours. Guns were raised, and fangs were bared. Kira took out her katana. Malia growled as they all ran. Becca stayed back, watching things unfold. Parrish shot off his gun, because there were too many people to assume his hellhound form.

The battle raged around her as Malia fought. She clawed a Witches neck, running off. She looked for Willow's wolf form, which happened to be silvery white. She chased Bella's mom, Celeste, through the woods, to the edge of the cliff. Malia followed. Willow growled at Celeste as she turned, revealing her hostage. Bella struggled against her mothers arms. She her palm out. "Give me the girl or I kill her." She pressed a knife to Bella's back.

Malia balked. "You can't be serious. She's your daughter." Celeste snarled. "She's no daughter of mine, traipsing around with abominations." Bella's eyes watered as she cracked a smile. "You're wrong. She was meant to be born. She's the Flame, not me." Celeste's eyes widened. "You're a Twin." Her eyes flicked to Malia. "My daughter will be the Flame, not you." Malia backed up. "No!" Bella exclaimed. She pushed backwards on the blade, gasping as it cut through her flesh. Celeste gasped. "You foolish girl! We could've been the most powerful coven!"

Blood seeped through her shirt. Willow padded next to Malia as she caught Bella. "Bell! Why?!" She smiled weakly with her bloodstained teeth. "Because, it was always you. You were the stronger one. So strong, you were able to resist the Pull for years without even realizing it. I felt the Pull since I was 18. I searched for you for years, but we lived in another country. Then we moved to the United States, and I went off on my own. Don't you understand? You are the Flame. The Flame is revered by all supernaturals. If you kill me now, you become the Flame. You can stop all of this.Here." She shakily picked up the knife.

Malia quivered. "No!" Bella's shook her head. "This is how it has to be. One of us was eventually going to die anyways. Do it." She gripped the knife in Malia's hand, blood staining her fingers. "No!" Celeste exclaimed as she realized what Malia was going to do. "I'll do it myself." She snarled, running toward Malia. Willow tensed, rising to her haunches. "Willow, no!" Malia called. Willow only looked back at her. Her green eyes stared through her fur. Then her tail swished and she ran. Willow strided across the small distance, and took one great leap.

She bounded across, leaping on Celeste. Celeste screamed, toppling backwards. She scrambled to catch herself, but it was too late. She fell off the cliff, taking Willow with her. Willow let out a long, sorrowful howl as she fell. Malia watched her, eyes overflowing now. Bella coughed blood. "You need to do it, now." Her hands clenched around Malia's. Malia inhaled sharply, plunging the knife downward swiftly. Her chest heaved sharply as she felt something twist in her. A gold shimmery dust floated off of Bella's body as her hands slid off Malia's.

Malia's eyes glowed bright gold, as her fangs extended. She breathed heavily as she inhaled. The sky turned dark, thundering. Flames flickered to life around Malia, forming the shape of a broken heart. Rain began to pour, but the flames were not extinguished.


She picked up Bella's cold body which was slick with rain and blood. Malia's shirt was stained red as she walked back through the woods. Trees ignited around her every step she took. She broke through the clearing in the woods. The Witches were winning, and very faintly she could see a flame. Parrish. The grief broke free as she saw bodies. She sobbed, and the fire began to burn brighter, turning blue. Water drenched her. The whole forest ignited, burning bright and blue. The sky began to lightning.

The fighting ceased as everyone took notice of the flames. Witches and wolves, humans and banshees, kitsunes and chimeras, they all stood still. Malia walked through the crowd, and it split. The Witches watched her in awe. They put down their hands. The wolves shifted back, and the humans put away their weapons. There was complete silence except for the roar of the rain and fire. Becca watched as Malia walked by. She wailed as she noticed her sisters face. Theo grabbed her. Barry hung his head.

Scotts face fell. Mason and Corey watched sadly, holding each other. Mason had cuts on his face. Kira and Lydia cried softly. Stiles watched silently for once. Hayden held her hand over her mouth. Liam just watched by himself. "Your leader is gone. No more fighting." The Witches bowed slightly, then parted. The Packs watched them walk away in disbelief. "It's over?" Lori asked quietly. She held her brother on the ground. Malia nodded from where she stood. "She saved us."


It was raining again. Everyone gradually started to leave, until it was just Barry, Becca, and Malia. Malia's dark clothes were drenched, but she didn't care. She watched the grave stone. Bella Rose Cromwell. 07/13/1993-04/26/2018. Sister and friend. It was written on the stone. Roses were placed in the silver vase.

Malia felt nothing. She couldn't even feel the world around her. Not the feel of the rain on her skin, not the blurriness of her eyes, not when Barry patted her shoulder and left with Becca. It all faded into the background as she left, her fiery heart, frozen by a cold spreading ice, at last, her fire, consumed by ice.

A/N: just one more chapter :(

Fire and Ice || M. Tate-Hale (1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang