Chapter 9

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Sorry for not updating for a while, I got uninspired 😭

TW: mention of injury/blood

There was a sharp moment of silence. Then Erica protested. "Should you really be here then? I mean, I don't want Beacon Hills to be first on the list." Her eyes flashed red, a warning. Willow crossed her arms and nodded. "No problem. I was just leaving." "Now wait a minute." Deaton protested. He grabbed her arm. She glared at it. "Let me go!" She snarled. Scott growled a low growl. "I may know about you, but I don't know you. If you so much as try to hurt anyone here, we'll have no choice but to ask you to leave Beacon Hills."

Willow gave him a sarcastic look. "Once again, I'm already leaving. And I'm not apart of your pack. Don't talk down on me." She flung her arm, sending Deaton to the floor. He groaned, a shallow cut on his forehead. "Don't try to find me again." She turned to the door. Malia blocked her entrance. Willow groaned. "What is it with you people? For goodness sakes," "Let.Me. Leave." Malia shook her head. "Okay, last time I checked, you can't shift. You're useless without your toys."

"I'm going." Willow knocked Malia down, not missing the wince she let out. Erica ran for her, getting grabbed by all hands on her side. Theo, Hayden, and Scott held her down. "Do something!" Theo exclaimed. Just as Willow reached the front door, Corey crashed through the glass doors, fangs out. Willow, caught of guard, was knocked against the wall. She slumped as she lost consciousness.

Erica stopped thrashing. They let her go cautiously. Her eyebrows raised. "Not bad." Lydia stepped forward. "I knew it! Everyone who was in the proximity of the blast was affected!" Mason carefully stepped on the glass behind Corey. "Corey's got fangs and teeth now, but he can't camouflage himself anymore. He tried." There was a collective sigh. Mason's eyebrows arched. "What? Is there something I missed? Also, who's that?"


"Witches?! Are you serious?! Scott, why'd you lead us in there without telling us what was going on?" The Pack went silent. Now they though about it, it was a good question. Besides Hayden and Theo, of course. Scott hung his head. "She needed help. I didn't know it was a blood witch. I just wanted to help her. I didn't lie, anyways. I just withheld the truth."

Malia shook her head. "You put all of our lives on the line for her?" She gestured to Willow, who'd been strapped to the metal table. "I think we should seriously discuss where your priorities lie." "We protect those who cannot protect themselves. She can't control her powers. You saw. She can't protect herself." "Exactly. Which is why she shouldn't be here. You heard her. And Erica. She's going to end the world. Do you really want Beacon Hills to be first on the list?"

"I mean, look at us. We're supernatural creatures who can't even help anyone right now. You really think the people of Beacon Hills can handle a spell?"
Scott shook his head. "Look, I know it's not ideal, but we can find a way to fight. Like us, Witches have a weakness. All we have to do is keep her with us until we find a way to permanently help her. She won't survive out there. Not again."

"All we have to do is keep her in hiding." They heard a scoff. "I've been hiding for 8 years. They always find me." Malia hovered over Willow. "Also, a table? Could you be any less humane?" Deaton sighed. "I don't like it, but I need you to hear me out. We can help you." "Like you've done all these years?" Deaton flinched. "I tried to find you." "Right, and did you come to rescue me? To help me? Did you do...anything?"

"I didn't know how to approach you. I'm sorry. I should've helped you. Nothing can take back my cowardice." "Too late for that." Malia sighed. "We're getting nowhere. Listen, we're a special Pack. We can help each other. Scott and the other Were's can help you master shifting. Deaton can help you with your magic. We can help you defend yourself."
At that moment, Braedon strolled through the empty door frames, glass crunching under her combat boots.

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