Chapter 18

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Malia was tossing and turning, a cold sweat covered her face. She could feel it, chasing her, a Wolf. She skidded to a stop, and dove behind a willow tree, its branches swaying in the light breeze. Thin mist covered the ground of the strange forest. The animal stopped to, it's footsteps almost inaudible against the ground. It was old, Malia could sense and see that. It's dark black fur was spotted with gray streaks. 

It sniffed the ground, searching. It made a snuffling sound as it's nose pressed against her face. She screamed and sprang up to run. But it did not bite nor growl, simply watching her with wise eyes. She stopped, uncertain. "Hello?" She asked it. It stood up, trotting past her. "Hey, wait!" She called out. She whipped around, looking for it. It was nowhere in sight. She sprinted after it, looking, but tripped and stumbled over something hard. 

Getting a staggering sense of deja vu, she didn't look up, for fear of what she might see. Sure enough, it was a gravestone, but it was blank. Instead, the wolf sat beside it, but it was different, injured. It's face had a slash mark, 4 long marks across its eye, and its neck bled crimson from an open wound. Then, slowly, the wolf's face began to morph until it was a human face, but one Malia did not recognize.

It took the shape of a woman, an older Japanese woman. Her face was still mutilated, and her neck still sliced. Her good eye focused on Malia. "London. 24 Main Street. He can help you." Malia frowned."What? Who can help me? Hey!" The woman's arms suddenly wrapped around shoulders, shaking her.  "Malia!" She yelled, in a high pitched voice that did not match her face. "Malia! Wake up!" 

Malia gasped, her eyes flying open. A girl stood above her. "Lori?!" Malia sputtered. "What are you doing here?" Lori was panting heavily. "Something's happened back in Beacon Hills. Its Satomi, my Alpha. Well, was." She took a shuddering breath. "She's been Challenged, and bested. She's gone. Now Brett has taken over and he's trying to go to war with your Pack, and the Moon Coven." Willow stood on the other side, watching solemnly. 

"What?! He can't! He has no chance! He's going to get his Pack slaughtered!" Lori nodded. "I know. That's why I brought you this." She handed Malia a thin piece of paper. "Satomi had been suspecting for a while now that someone might try to take her spot. So she left this behind in case. She told me to take to someone named Bella. It has this address on it. " It was then that Malia noticed it was a postcard. London, it read. He can help you. The voice whispered in her mind. 

"Do you know what it means?" Malia nodded. She looked up. "It means we're going to London." Just then, a shrill sound cut across the silence. It was an alarm. Bella burst into the room, followed by her brother and sister, Becca and Barry. Bella shouted at the trio. "We gotta go!" Malia gasped. "What?! Why?" Oliver stormed in. "Someone tipped off the Moon Coven and told them a certain hybrid is here." Lori shook her head. "It wasn't me, but I'm the only one who knows about this place." 

"Whatever! Listen! We need to go, now!" Malia jumped out of bed and followed Oliver out. "I have a car around the building, take it. Get as far away as you can, the Witches have tracking spells but my car is Spelled, they can't track it. Theres cash in the dasbboard and it has a full tank. Go, now!" Oliver tossed Bella the keys and then ran around the corner. "What about him?" Lori asked. "He can defend himself." Willow stated plainly. 

They all ran toward the red exit sign. Bella fumbled with the keys, trying to unlock the car. A Witch came out of the exit, startling them all. She flicked the keys away from Bella, knocking her out. Her eyes landed on Barry and Becca, then Willow, widening. "Traitors!" She snarled at them. Becca and Barry collapsed simultaneously. Lori knocked her down, growling. She snapped at the Witches face, causing her to shriek. 

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