Love Birds! And Angst

Start from the beginning

Gem: Hey guys!

Shelby: Hey so love life problems

Scott: Yea a reason to finally ramble about Tim

Joel: But why did you want us to come in the math class?

Gem: Well since it's our last class, we have a sub and we can eat here. I thought it was the perfect place also cause it's quiet

Sausage: Good job Gem you really thought this through

Gem: Thanks

Shelby: I mean it feels weird since we would usually sit with them......

Scott: E2 and H9

Joel: Yea it does feel weird

Sausage: I swear If they were hiding something I'm going to kill the nearest person

*Silence In Room*

Shelby: Okay does anyone have ideas for Joel or who wants to talk about they're love life?

Scott: I have a idea

Joel: Shoot

Scott: You can say "Lizzie you make me the happiest person in the world, will you be my girlfriend"

Sausage: Wow Scott I never thought that would come out of your mouth

Scott: Why not

Gem: Usually you would say something dirty minded that's why

Scott: I'm not that dirty minded

Shelby: Scott you told Tim if he can show you how his strings work

Scott: ...............

Joel: Lol

Scott: Fuck you

Gem: Anyway Joel what do you think

Joel: I love it but I don't think I can be that direct?

Sausage: Maybe you can say this "Lizzie you make me the happiest person in the world. I never thought a beautiful woman like you would like me. When you're near me my heart pounds and my stomach feels butterflies. Will you be my girlfriend?

Joel: OMG it's perfect! Thank you Sausage

*Joel hugs Sausage*

Sausage: No problem

Shelby: So Joel do you feel confident now?

Joel: Yes do you think I should tell her now?

Everyone except Joel: YES!

Joel: Okay *Takes out his phone*

Private chat between Joel and Lizzie

Green: Lizzie you make me the happiest person in the world. I never thought a beautiful woman like you would like me. When you're near me my heart pounds and my stomach feels butterflies. Will you be my girlfriend?


Green: Wait really! I-I so we're going to them

Pink: Yes I'll tell E2 and H9! But where's Shelby, Gem, Sausage and Scott?

Green: Their with me. I'll tell them

Pink: Okay love you 🥰

Green: Love you too 🥰

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