38 Black Magician

Start from the beginning

Ratna sighed and nodded ok. Khushi spilled a victory smile.

Khushi lay down, thinking about what to say and how not to make Arnav angry.

The next morning

Khushi took her morning shower hurriedly and got ready.

"Why are you in a hurry, Khushi bitiya?"

"Have you forgotten, Naniji? I'm going to tell Arnavji the truth. Don't know how would he react. Don't know how long it takes for me to console him" She said with a responsibility.

"Be careful about the choice of your words, Khushi bitiya"

"Jee Naniji... I have rehearsal it well... You don't have to worry. I will do it"

Nani nodded ok. Khushi headed to Arnav's room.


Though Arnav consoled himself with Khushi's reaction on HIS matter he was thinking only about it. He wanted to know whether she really liked him or not. If she didn't like him, he wanted to make her like him. Or, at least, he wanted to seed some romantic ideas in her heart. After all, she was his going-to-be wife. He leaned on the recliner, closing his eyes.

Arnav got stuck, hearing Khushi's anklet sound. His mind worked faster. When Khushi exactly entered his room, he hissed, holding his back.

"Hisss... Shit..."

Khushi got stuck and rushed to him, forgetting her mission.

"Arnavji, what happened?"

"I can't move... I think it's a sprain"


"At my back..." he said making a face.

"Wait... let me check"

"Do you?"

"Arnavji, don't you know, I can remove the sprain? Do you forget, I removed Mamiji's sprains that day..."

"Oh, yeah..."

"Come on, remove your shirt," she said like a doctor whose concentration was only on her duty.

That amazed Arnav more. He unbuttoned his shirt, observing her expression.

"I will bring coconut oil..." She was about to go,

"It's there in the cupboard," Arnav said.

"That's good" She went to the cupboard and brought the oil bottle.

Arnav was standing, keeping his hands on his hip.

"What are you looking at? Lay down" She said, not caring about his shirtless form.

Arnav lay on the bed, in front of the mirror, making sure that he could see Khushi's actions and expressions. She sat next to him.

"Tell me, where it pains"


Arnav tremored when she touched his bare skin. She touched his back, sending a chilling sensation to his spine. He looked at the mirror, engulfing his emotions. Khushi caressed his back with his fingertip slowly, closing her eyes, in an attempt of finding the exact sprain spot, just like, how she did that for Manorama the other day. Her face looked so clear. No confusion... no flaws... She was so engrossed in her work.

Her facial expression changed with confusion as she didn't find any sprain on his back. She bit her lip, without opening her eyes, shrinking her face cutely. Whoever would admire such a gesture...! Then, what about the man who was going to get her for himself wholly? He felt a gust of wind caressed him. Damn... he was lying shirtless and his going-to-be wife didn't give a damn to it. What kind of wife he was going to get? His words were not just words... she was still a baby. Arnav chuckled tenderly.

Khushi opened her eyes.

"Arnavji, It's not a sprain. It seems something else... you better go to the doctor" She said worriedly and was about to get down from the bed, but Arnav got up and pulled her towards him, circling her waist, making her shocked. She fisted her fingers not to touch his bare skin, who casually touched him a few seconds ago.

"Are you really this much innocent, Khushi? Don't I know you are an expert in removing sprain? I know that very well because I'm not innocent like you."

Khushi was suffocating in his arms.

"I wonder... how a girl could be without any feelings? Do you know how many girls are dying for me?"

Khushi looked at him perplexed.

"But, I'm dying for you...but you are roaming so casually not giving heed to me"

She swallowed hard.

"I hope from here on, I will get some gestures from you"

"I..." her tongue stuck into her mouth.

Arnav raised his brows.

"Tell me..."




Arnav sighed.

"Stop blabbering"


"Le le what?"

"Leave me..."

"We are going to marry... remember?"

She nodded her head slowly.

"Thank the lord..."

They heard footsteps. In no time, Khushi pushed him onto the bed and ran out of the room. Arnav sat on the bed smiling. He saw something on the bed and his smile broadened. It was Khushi's anklet. Taking it in his hand, he gave it a long look with a smile. Keeping it in his pant pocket, he got ready for the office.

Khushi ran to the guest room and pressed her chest, gulping down. She wiped her sweaty face and huffed. She saw Ratna looking at her, controlling her laughter. Khushi turned opposite to her, biting her nail. Did she see what her son did?

"Ahem ahem..." Ratna couched.

Khushi looked at her, turning behind slowly.

"Did you tell Chotte about me?" She asked seriously.

"Oh... Arnavji wants to go to the office..."

"Of course, he goes to the office every day"

"Little earlier today"


"He said, he will listen to me later"

"Oh... by the way, why are you sweating?"

"I... came running"

"Oh..." she extended the water glass to Khushi.

"Have it. Your dried throat needs it"

Taking it from her, Khushi gulped it in a go. Ratna smiled, admiring her.


Arnav was getting ready, smiling like an idiot. That was when he got a call on his mobile. He took it with the same smile. It was Aman's call. He attended it.

"Haan, Aman"

"ASR, I have found a black magician"

"Is it?"

"Yes... after a long search..."

"In Delhi?"

"No... in Mathura..."

"Is he a reliable black magician?"

"Think so... let's check"

"Mmm... ok"

"I will be waiting for you at AR. We will go there. Come fast. It will take time"

"Yup... I started..."

Arnav strode out.

To be continued...

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