I finally got everything I needed and made my way to the bank. Once I finally arrived, I made my way to one of the bank tellers.

"Hello, may I help you?" She asked me.

"I need a large cash withdrawal. My fiancé and I have an account here. It should be under Spencer James and Olivia Baker."

"Okay. Please Ms. Baker, right this way." She leads me to the Bank's Senior Manager's office. "Please have a seat hear. Our Senior Bank Manager will be here shortly.

"Thank you."

A few minutes later, the Senior Manager walks in. "Ms. Baker. I'm Adam Jones. Senior Manager."

"Mr. Jones. I'm very sorry to spring this on you, but it's very urgent."

"Oh. Well, for a large cash transaction like this one, we have procedures we have to follow so they make take time-" I cut him off.

"I don't have time. I need the money immediately."

"Ok, I understand. Do you have identification with you?"

"Yes." I hand him my driver's license.

"Thank you. Now you'll need to write a check and I have to make a phone call."

A few moments later, I'm finished writing the check for $10 million cash and I see Mr. Jones walking in; then he hands the phone to me.

"Ms. Baker. It's your fiancé." I was surprised to see Spencer call, but I took the phone and gave Mr. Jones the check. While he left the office, I spoke with Spencer.

I took a deep breath. "Spencer?"

"Olivia? What's going on? What are you doing? Is this about what happened earlier today?" I remained silent. "Olivia, please talk to me. I won't know unless you communicate with me. Tell me what's wrong."

"I can't."

"Are you leaving me?"

I started crying when he asked me that question. I wanted to tell Spencer the truth, but I knew what the consequences would be if I told him.

"Wait for me there. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Spencer. Please don't."

"Olivia. What's happening? This doesn't sound like you."

I was still crying.

"Ok. Put Mr. Jones back on the phone."

I wiped the tears from my face when I heard Mr. Jones come back into the office and I handed him the phone.


"Give her whatever she wants. Do whatever she tells you." Spencer said to Mr. Jones over the phone.

"Yes Mr. James."

A few moments later, Mr. Jones got me $10 million cash and was finally ready to go.
Spencer's P.O.V

I was in the car making my way to the bank and trying to get a hold of Liv, but she was not picking up her phone. A few seconds later, my mom calls me and I answer it.

"Hello, Ma?"

"Spencer, have you talked to your brother today?"

"No, why?"

"I think he's missing. I tried calling him and went to his house, but I haven't seen him. I already called the police for a missing person report."

Talk about bad timing. I was so angry that I wanted to yell, but I needed to keep my composure. "We'll find him, Mom. I'll keep you posted."

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