A Sticky Situation

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(Y/N)'s Perspective

"Do we have to go follow him?" Camilo whined. "I know he's up to no good, but it's too late to be exploring. Plus I'm having a great time."

I jokingly rolled my eyes. "You're being lazy. This might be our only time to get proof of what Carlos is doing, he's practically ruining your life after all."

He sat in the fountain, biting his lip while thinking. Once he finally decided to get out, he rung the remaining water out of his thick hair before shaking his head like a dog, soaking me even more.

"Stop!" I laughed, blocking my face from the droplets of water.

"Let's go." He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him.


As we followed the "criminals" to Isabella's shop, the tall figure approached the door and began picking the lock. We quickly ducked as Carlos' eyes wondered around the area.

I fumbled in my pockets for my camera, that I weirdly always have with me. I snapped a few photos of the entrance, gathering my evidence.

"Why don't we just go stop them now?" Camilo whispered. We sat behind a rock, peeking in.

"That would be stupid. What if they have a knife or something? We also can get evidence and tell Alma tomorrow to prove your case."

He mouthed an 'ohh' before silencing himself and continued watching Carlos.

I waved Camilo forward, nearing the entrance of the store. The "criminals" seemed to be familiar with the shop as they headed directly towards the back.

"The trumpet vines..." Camilo whispered.

I stared at him in confusion. "The what?"

"Trumpet vines. They have thick vines and really pretty flowers on them. They attract humming birds and butterflies." He said while still focusing on Carlos and the mystery man.

"How do you know so much about it?" I questioned. It was kinda cute.

"I live with Isabella, all she talks about is flowers."

I laughed and snapped a few more photos as they began to tear the vines off their shelves, stuffing them into a bag that was concealed in the mystery man's jacket.

"Alright, you got the evidence now let's get out of here." Camilo whispered seriously.

I checked the photos on my camera to make sure they would suffice.

"We need to get closer, the pictures are blurry." I said.

He wiped a hand down his face. "We need to be quick. They could check my room at any moment. I don't think Antonio's squirrels are gonna keep up the act much longer."


We were now in the shop, hiding behind one of the aisle display cases.

"How many more do you think we need?" Carlos asked.

"The house is tall. Grab a few more. Better safe than sorry." The mystery man said. His voice was strong and raspy.

I took another photo, slowly inching closer to get a better angle.

"(Y/N)..." Camilo followed closely behind, getting more and more worried.

"Just one more..." I flicked the last picture and rehid behind the display case. Camilo leaned over my shoulder as we peaked at the photos.

"They're perfect." He whispered. "Now let me take you home before they catch us and Abuela catches me."

I peaked around the display case to double check where the crooks were.

"Ones missing." I panicked.

Camilo raised an eyebrow.

"Milo, he's missing."

"What do you mean?" Panic rising in his voice.

I slowly turned around, and as I did a jar of pollen was dumped into my face. A second jar blocked Camilo's vision as he noticed the figure behind us too.

A mischievous laugh erupted from Carlos as he shook the nest of the shop's pollinators causing hungry bees rushing towards us.

The mystery man pushed the rack of honey pots to the floor causing a huge mess and a barrier of broken glass near the door.

Now, Isabella's weirdly large collection of honey pots were soon coating the floor making it extremely sticky. Angry, yellow bees rushed from their hives headed straight for our pollen infested skin.

As we began to bat them away, they became angrier. Falling to the floor from pain, a stickier pollen-honey mixture became entangled in our hair.

In my back pocket, my camera suffered a blow as I hit the floor, killing all of our evidence until further notice.

From the side of my eye, I noticed Camilo began to hold his neck, his skin quickly turning red.

"(Y/N), I'm allergic to bees." He struggled to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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