The Deep End

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"CAMILO!" I shouted as the cold water pierced my body. He just laughed. "IT'S FREEZING, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" I asked while bobbing up and down to get the water flowing.

"We'll my mom is probably sleeping by now, so it isn't gonna be super warm outside."


"Oh, in that case, you can't not do anything fun on your first party." He bobbed under the water then back up, his curly hair soaked his face.

"Well, I didn't expect my first party to end up in a pool, in my clothes, and with the popular kid."

"Ohhh, so that's what I am. "The Popular Kid"." He said in quotes.

"That's exactly what you are, unless there's more that you don't show anyone." I retorted.

"There is more stuff about me, I just don't tell anyone." He nodded licking his lips with a smile.

"What's one of your dreams? Truthfully." I asked.

He looked up, deepening his thoughts. He sat like this for a second.

He looked back at me. "To sing, play sports sports, or to star in a movie." He said.

"A movie?" I asked.

"Mhm. And I'd imagine everyone making fanpages and edits about me, I'm just that hot." I rolled my eyes.

"This is why we call you the popular kid. Obnoxious and self centered." He splashed me.

He went under the water. "Camilo?" I asked looking around. Suddenly I felt someone grab my waist and the next thing I know I was in the air.

I was thrown to the deeper end of the pool. Going under the waters surface almost touching the deep ground below. Luckily I knew how to swim.

"YOU SCARED ME." I breathed while swimming back to the shallow end. I splashed him while he attempted to block the water. I shoved him under, laughing.

"(Y/N)?" Mirabel came bursting through the door. Camilo popped back up and turned to face Mirabel with confusion, his wet hair soaking my face as he spinned.

"Ay dios mio." She breathed with a hand to her chest. "I thought you fell into the pool and were drowning. The only thing I saw was a flying (Y/N) falling into the deep end." She adjusted her glasses that fell when she ran out.

"Gracias for the concern, Mira." Camilo rolled his eyes. "But we're good."

"I can see that." Mirabel said while pointing to her glasses. "But Ivan was looking for you guys. I'll just tell him you're out here."

"No, no!" Camilo yelled waving his hands. "We're good, we'll go to him." He said while climbing out of the pool, offering me his hand which I politely took.

"Alright." Mirabel said. "I am ready for mama's cooking, so let's get on with this. Bye (Y/N)."

I looked back at Camilo. "What am I gonna wear?" He quickly cursed under his breath. "I didn't think of that." He scratched his wet head.

He handed me a towel while he quickly dried off then put on his white tank and sweatpants, handing me his jacket.

"The best I can do..." he said. "Try to dry off really well." I put the jacket on. It was surprisingly warm, and smelled nice. I put my shoes on and walked with Camilo out to meet Ivan.

"Where have you been?" He looked us up and down as water still dripped from various places. Camilo looked at the pool and pointed.

Ivan furrowed his brows. "Oh well, everyone is leaving." He looked at everyone grabbing their things.

Camilo did his salute once more and hustled out. "Bye everyone!" He looked specifically at me before he shut the door, shifting to someone quick and running home, Mirabel chasing shortly behind.

"I'll walk with you." Ivan suggested. I nodded.

We down the worn dirt and brick road in silence.

"What were you guys doing?" He asked, breaking the silence. Some type of emotion in his voice, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Just swimming. He tossed me in for some "first party fun"." I said in air quotes. I looked down remembering I still had his jacket.

"Oh shoot, I still have his jacket." I brushed it off. "I'll return it tomorrow."

"Yeah, do that." He sighed. "Do you wanna... do something later?" "Like after school?" He added.

"I- uh, yeah. Sure Ivan." He let out a small smile while he stopped at the front door. His tall figure relaxed as I walked inside. As if me being there made him nervous.

"Bye, (Y/N)." He waved. I never knew Ivan thought of me like that. Or anything near it. But the way he looked when he saw me with Camilo was strange. Heck, I've been here for one day and I'm already having boy trouble.

I walked into the doors of my house. The clock on the wall across the entryway read 9:28. My mom sat in silence at the dining room table while reading a book. She loved to read.

"Hey, mama." She looked up from her book, pulling her reading glasses off of her face. "Hey, (Y/N), how was the party? Did you have fun?"

I nodded.

"And say, where do you get the jacket?" She put her glasses back on as if to get a better view. I looked down at the worn jacket that I was wearing.

"Oh this? Uh, from Camilo." She nodded while studying it and my expressions.

"The magic boy? I was reading this book about them." She turned the book she was reading towards me.

"Oh, yeah." Definitely not strange. I laughed inside.

"We'll I'm going to head to bed." I kissed her on the cheek before walking upstairs. A strand of wet hair brushed against her face. "Why is your hair wet, hija?"

"Long story!" I shouted from upstairs while I walked into my room. My first day had finally come to an end.

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