Lucky Charm

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Your Mom's Perspective:

I looked down at the arguing group of cheerleaders and didn't see (Y/N).

Looking towards the court, I locked eyes with Camilo. 'Where the heck is she'? I mouthed and he shrugged while shaking his head, 'I have no idea'.

Pepa noticed me looking over the corner.

"What's wrong?" She asked, touching my shoulder. "(Y/N) is not here and the cheerleaders look a mess! She told me how excited she was for this and she's missing it."

Pepa tapped Dolores on the shoulder. When she lifted one side of the headphones she asked, "can you hear (Y/N)?" She struggled to focus on on the sound of (Y/N) as the game began.

She shook her head. "I can go check?" I nodded and mouthed 'Thank You'.

Cheerleaders Perspective:

"That's not what we do, Catalina!" Alana threw her pom pom on the floor in frustration.

"Where is (Y/N), she knows the routine. You are ruining this."

"I told you I don't know." Catalina rolled her eyes. "And this looks much better than whatever she created."

"Catalina, you're lying." Mirabel glared at her.

"HA! I'm lying?" She put her hand to her chest, offended.

"You're always lying. Plus, this routine you're trying to make us do is making us look bad and the players play bad!" She pointed at the score. The Encanto was losing by 10, halfway through the first quarter.

Camilo's Perspective:

I sat on the bench as I got subbed out for a break. Coach angrily walked up next to me.

"What is going on?" I looked up at him and opened my mouth to speak, but before I could he interrupted.

"And where is your girlfriend? The cheerleaders look horrible. For goodness sake the other team's bench is laughing!"

I looked over and just like he said, they were laughing.

"Whatever is going on, you all better fix..." the buzzer went off and it was now halftime.

"Your halftime score is 27-49 with the Colts in the lead." The announcer announced the score.

"Locker room, NOW." Our coach yelled. His voice silenced the viewing crowd.

Dolores' Perspective:

I had my headphones on, but the angry coaches voice managed to pierce my ears. I watched wide-eyed as they exited the gym. The half-time timer started and the clock started ticking down from 10 minutes.

"Lores." Antonio tugged on my arm. "I need to use the bathroom." He puppy dog-eyed me.

"Fine, Tonito' hurry." He grabbed the lion cub that sat on his lap and and hurried down the bleachers with me.

As we walked towards the bathroom I reapplied my headphones. The halftime show was very loud. As we passed the locker room and janitor's closet, Antonio stopped me.

"There's something in there." He hooked onto my leg while his lion scratched at the door of the closet. We both exchanged nervous glances, and I took off my headphones.

"IS SOMEONE THERE?" A voice yelled from behind the door. The sound excited Koda and she began to scratch and purr at the door.

"She says it's (Y/N)!" Antonio ran towards the door, and struggled to reach its handle, climbing on top of Koda and opening the door.

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