The Aftermath

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"I did what you asked." I said while shutting the door behind me with a small smile.

"Finally cleaned your room? I don't think you can do that while you're at school." My mom
joked while she turned off the vacuum.

"I gave him the chocolate."

"Oh, yay." She quietly clapped. "Did he like it?"

I nodded. "I got this too." I held up the box he gave me. She took it from my hands. "I'll hold onto this for safe keeping." She put it on the kitchen counter.

"I'm always right, you know?" She teased while I walked up the stairs. "Of course you are."

Camilo's Perspective:

I walked into the Casita with a smile. As I turned the corner to walk into the dining room I bumped into Dolores. A smirk painted her face.

"Ugh. What now?" I asked annoyed. She always does this.

"So... you gonna tell me what happened?"

"You know what happened." I pointed to my ear.

"But I'm your sister!"

"Yeah, but you like to tell everyone's secrets."

"I can't help it." She admitted and laughed.

"You know Abuela still likes Catalina?" She nudged me. "She'll have a hard time handling the news."

"She won't know." I looked Dolores in her eyes. "She won't know, right?" She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Sure, hermano."

We walked into the dining room. I almost forgot to get to the best chair before my sister.

Running and sitting down, Dolores made a quick humph. "Must suck having that chair." I teased.

She glared at me from across the table and smirked.

"The chairs are the same, Camilo." My mom was getting annoyed with our games.

As everyone filed into their seats, Dolores' mad face turned into a smile.

"Camilo kissed someone." In shock, some forms dropped back into the plates they originated from.

I blinked in bewilderment. "DOLORES." I yelled back. She shrugged. "Hey, it can't be a normal dinner unless I tell someone's secret." She winked at Mirabel, quoting her comment from a few days ago.

"That's mi hijo." My dad gave me a thumbs up.

"FELIX. No." My mom replied, pushing his hand back onto the table.

"Was it Catalina?" Abuela added.

"No Abuela, you know this, she cheated on me. I broke up with her last year." I rolled my eyes.

"She was such a wonderful girl, though. Her mother donated at all my charity events."

"Do you only like her because of her mom, mama?" Julieta asked.

"Yes, we'll no. But yes, but she's very pretty." Abuela admitted.

"Who was it?" My mom pressed.

"The new girl." Dolores added. I glared at her. 'You're gonna pay for this, D.' I mouthed. She did her common 'hm' and shrugged.

"Who's the new girl?" Agustin asked. He was barely paying attention. Just focusing on his meal. "This is great, honey." He complimented Julieta's meal. She tapped his hand, refocusing on the conversation.

"We should meet her!" Abuela stated. "She won't be a Catalina, but we need only good people with my family."

Mirabel lowered her head and her mouth shrunk into a straight line.

"You already met her." I scratched my nose and looked at my plate.

"She was here for a sleepover a few days ago." Mirabel added. Looking up, taking a sip of tea.

"Camilo!" My dad almost spit out his drink from shock. "Mirabel's friend!?"

"I already knew it." Mirabel chimed in. "Before we were friends she hung out with him and his friends."

"Tell us about it." Isabela asked, actually intrigued in the drama.

"Not during dinner, Isa." Luisa rolled her eyes while picking up her plate and heading to her room.

"Yeah, no." I shifted to Luisa and followed her to her room.

(A/N) This is just a quick little chapter. Another will be posted later today. Have a good day/night ❤️

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