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Quickly, I hustled to the principals office and opened the creaky door.

The principal and a curly haired student sat at her desk.

"Take a seat, (Y/N)." She pointed to the seat next to the boy wearing dark colored clothes. He looked very similar to Camilo.

Confused, I followed instructions.

"(Y/N), you aren't in trouble. I just wanted to ask you a favor." She said as I sat down.

"This is Carlos." She pointed to the boy next to me. "He's a new student and I was wondering if you could give him a quick tour around the school before his first day tomorrow."

I took a breath, my mind racing. Why me and why does he look so much like Camilo?

Interrupting my thoughts, she added. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I asked a lot of the teachers and they recommended you."

"Yeah, of course." I responded. If I even know where everything is since I just started too. I said to myself.

The principal stood, putting papers into a pile.

"Well Carlos, this is (Y/N). She's very nice." He eyed me from the corner of his eye. "I expect you to be very nice to her."

She walked around the desk heading towards the door. "Now, I have a meeting but I hope you all get along well."

She walked over to me and whispered quite loudly in my ear. "He does have a bad reputation so I hope that doesn't bother you."

"I'm right here, you know."

I nodded. "It's fine." I quickly smiled at her.

"Gracias chica." She rubbed my shoulder and walked out of the office, shutting the door behind her.

I sat in silence for a moment, rocking in my chair.

"Let's get this over with." Carlos plainly said, standing. I quickly stood and followed him out of the room, pushing in our chairs.

"What do you wanna see first?" I jogged to catch up to him.

He didn't respond, but instead asked. "Are all the girls here as pretty as you?" The question surprised me.

"Um, I'm not that pretty, but I guess so?" I responded with a nervous smile. I stopped at the science room.

"But anyways, here's the science room." I held my hands in front of me. He nodded and we continued walking in silence. The bell rang and students began filing out of their classes.

"So, I've heard you've had a bad reputation?" I asked, trying to strike conversation. I led him to the locker that would be his where we stopped for a moment.

"Only with girls like you." I opened my mouth to contest, but he added. "I was what people call a "player"." He said in quotes and laughed. 

I exhaled. "I'm very flattered, but I do have a boyfriend." He furrowed his brows.

"And who is he?" I nodded across the hall where my friends began to get their things from their lockers. Camilo looked up from talking with Nicolas and gave me a quick smile, which faded when he saw Carlos.

I led Carlos to the lockers with everyone else. Camilo quickly looked Carlos up and down before asking, "who's he?"

"A new student. The principal called me down to give him a tour of the school."

Carlos scrunched his face then looked at me. "A Madrigal?" He scoffed. The name came off his tongue sourly. "Of course."

Lorenzo joined us at the lockers, followed by Mirabel.

"Who is he and why does he look like Camilo's evil twin?" Lorenzo asked, scratching his head.

Carlos rolled his eyes then faced me. "Do we have to talk to them?"

"These are my friends, and yes we have to talk to them."

"Well you need better friends." Carlos replied.

"You've got a lot to say speaking you have none at the moment." Camilo retorted. Still studying Carlos. "And why do you look like me?"

"Trust me, if I could change my face, I would." He looked up at the clock. "Now when does this bell ring? I only have to be here for an hour before I can leave."

Catalina walked up to us, her eyes slowly widening.

"Oh, em, gee. Two Camilo's??" Carlos sighed as she grabbed his arm. "If I can't have that one then I'll take this one." She eyed all of us.

Carlos pried Catalina off of his arm, then picked off a long strand of hair resting on his shirt. "Lo siento, princesa, pero no."

She looked back at him confused. "Why not? I'm the prettiest at this school, you're lucky I'm interested."

He looked at me, then Camilo, then proceeded to smirk. "Not quite the prettiest, but you're up there."

Catalina gasped, shocked. "Then who is?" She crossed her arms and grunted.

"I'm pretty sure she knows." Carlos smirked as the bell rang.

Camilo walked up to my side, grabbing my hand. "I'm gonna walk with you guys." Forcing a fake smile.

"You're gonna skip?" I asked.

"I have history and we're learning about the Casita's past. I'm pretty sure I know the history of my own house."


We began walking towards the last classrooms on the tour.

"What made you come to this school?" Camilo asked abruptly.

"A fresh start. I'd gotten suspended 12 times." He said it so plainly, as if it didn't matter.

"Where are you from?" I added.

"Some random place in Columbia." He brushed it off and motioned with his hand.

"Do you have gifts there too?" I asked, genuinely interested.

"What is this, 20 questions?" He rudely responded.

Ignoring his statement, I asked. "Do you have a gift?"

"Yeah, mind reading."

"Wait, really?" Camilo asked, peaking around me to see Carlos' face.

"No." He said coldly. Looking down at his watch he turned to walk the other direction.

"Where are you going? We still have to look at the art and language rooms!" I yelled after him.

He pointed to the watch on his wrist. "It's been an hour. I'm going home." We watched as he left the building. When the door shut, Camilo said. "I don't like him."

"Me either, but I find it hilarious how you look alike."

"It's not. I would never wear dark colors like that." He shuddered at the thought.

Looking up at the wall clock, we were 15 minutes late for class. "I'll talk to you after class. You better hurry, I have an excuse but you don't." I playfully shoved him.

"See you later, (Y/N)." I waved at him then began walking to my next class.

Exhaling, I wondered how this all was going to work.

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