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“Li…ya…” I heard a pained voice groan as I was feeling my body come out of the darkness. My heart was pounding, and my neck hurt so bad, I couldn’t swallow. It felt like it was swollen shut which was making it hard to breathe. I let out a strained gasp, trying to breathe as my eyes blinked open and I coughed uncontrollably, “b-baby–” 

I’d recognise that voice from anywhere, no matter how disorientated I was. 

I blinked, “Sh…aka…” I hoarsely let out, feeling the harshness of the cold hard surface that I was on. I groaned, black spots still clouding my vision. I squeezed my eyes tight and then opened them again, and the room appeared to be yellow, but as I blinked it got clearer and clearer. I gripped onto my head and felt a warm substance. I brought my hands back to my face and was met with crimson. 

I was laying on the floor and I was facing the wall. I sat up, slowly and groggily as I turned around to meet Shaka’s voice. Where was I? Where am I? What happened? I couldn’t seem to remember anything. 

I heard a cough and finally my eyes focused on the other figure in the room. “Shaka!” I gasped as I found him sitting in what seemed like an electric chair and strapped to it. I tried to rush to my feet but my balance was horrible and I was stumbling every which way as the room appeared to spin, because of the speed that I’d tried getting up at. “Shaka…” I said horrifically as I staggered towards him, noticing the blood trailing down the middle of his forehead. “What happ-ene-d-d?” I slurred my words a bit, gripping onto the arm of the chair as my knees buckled under me and I fell at his feet. 

He couldn’t move at all since even his head was strapped in, so his eyes followed me. I took in his face, and noticed his swollen right eye that had become black and blue, and his busted lip. He looked horrible and I couldn’t help but cry as I brought my own bloody fingers up to trace his wounds, “baby, wh-what happened?” I asked him again, hating that he was in this place. Shaka didn’t hurt anybody, he was a good guy; in fact, the greatest. 

“I don’t know,” he coughed and then grimaced as if the action had hurt him. He swallowed and his brown eyes met my own, “I was just, I was just sitting in our flat one minute and then the next…a knock came on the door, I went to open it, and three men in suits were there. They didn’t say anything, they just started beating me up. I passed out, and then when I woke up…” he trailed off, his eyes following the restraints, “I was here, like this.” 

I wasn’t really listening, but I heard what he said. I nodded my head but I was already trying to undo the restraints put on him, “I have to get you of here,” I whispered in a fearful rush. Something about this didn’t feel right and I was terrified. There was a sunken feeling in my stomach, and my heart was pounding uncontrollably. 

“Baby, what happened to your neck?” he asked me as I noticed that his restraints were undoable. I wasn’t exactly the strongest girl in the room, but I was sure these restraints had been burned in order to keep them from coming undone. I began to panic, my heart raced even harder, the room began to spin even faster, my saliva had dried out and all I could taste in my mouth was blood. 

I suddenly heard the sound of the door click and swing open. I whirled my head to the side to see who’d enter the room, and the first thing I was met with was an ivory mask. Kian entered the room, dressed in a pair of black dress pants, shiny leather shoes I was sure were an Italian brand and his upper body naked. He looked regal and majestic with his long hair on his shoulders, the hard abs on his stomach and chest pecs that looked like I could grate a whole block of cheese on them. 

“Kian,” I said lowly, my voice filled with fear as I suddenly remembered that he’d been strangling me and bashed my head into the wall. It was like I could still feel his fingers around my neck and the powerful grip that his hands had. He’d wrapped his hands around my throat so easily, it was like he could snap me if he wanted to; snap me like a twig and end me. I remembered the feel of his shoe directly on my neck as he stepped down harder and harder and it felt like I was going to meet my maker. 

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