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“Oh wow! And this is a lamp!” I excitedly explained to Shaka as I walked down the hallway of the most beautiful home I’d ever seen in my life. There were large pillars and large portraits that hung on the walls, high vaulted ceilings and chandeliers that sparkled with what I was sure was diamonds, servants milling about, and statues, and fountains, and marble floors. 

“Wow! I’ve never seen a lamp before,” Shaka teased with grin but the joke flew over my head and I just grinned excitedly in agreement, showing him everything that I was seeing. Ever since I got off the plane, I had been on a video call with him, showing him everything that I was seeing because I didn’t want him to miss a thing. 

I was following behind the same man who’d guided me onto the plane as he walked me through the home. He told me that he was taking me to Samantha. 

We’d been walking for what felt like an eternity, and I was excitedly waving at all of the servants that we were walking past, going out of my way to introduce myself to them, which was what was delaying us. “It’s so nice to meet you!” I said cheerily as I greeted maybe the 30th person that I came across. The lady with the feather duster looked at me like I was strange, unable to even feign a smile as I waved goodbye at her. She’d said her name was Dorothy. 

I like Dorothy. 

“I like her,” I repeated to Shaka as the man finally stood outside a pair of double doors and opened them. The doors swung open and led into a large bedroom. “Wow!” I let out in awe, my eyes wide, taking in everything about the bedroom, from the fountain in it to the large bed that went from one side of the wall to the other. It was glorious!

“Liyana?” I heard a voice say, interrupting the spin I was doing, looking up at the beautiful ceiling and chandelier. I stopped, blinking because I hadn’t restored my balance yet and then turned to face where I heard the voice coming from and it was towards the balcony. 

“Samantha!” I squealed excitedly, running towards her as she stood there dressed in a light blue robe. I threw my arms around her, pinning her arms to her body as I hugged her. I bounded on my feet, unable to contain my giggles as she managed to slither her arms out of my hug and hugged me back. “Wow…well, that’s a hug,” I said with a laugh as I tried to pull away but she hugged me even tighter. “I love hugs,” I said into her chest since she was taller than me and I heard her laugh a bit. 

“Sorry,” she apologised as she let go of me but it was almost like she didn’t want to. 

I smiled up at her, taking in her features after all of this time. She looked different from back then. She looked like she’d gotten some work done on her face. But to be honest, it looked like she’d gotten hurt pretty bad, maybe an accident? I don’t know, and the surgery was to try and cover it up, but her features were a bit off compared to the old her. Her auburn hair was in a high and messy bun, but it was the perfect amount of messy, as if she’d gotten it done to look like that. Her oval face, soft features and her chubby cheeks were no more, and that gap in her teeth was gone, replaced by a perfect row of teeth. Her blue eyes were dull and looked tired, and her lips were fuller. 

“You look so pretty,” I complimented her after a moment and she seemed to be taken a back as she almost flinched at the statement. 

“…really?” she asked me, and I laughed, nodding my head. 

“Look,” I lifted my phone to introduce her to someone special, “this is my husband, Shaka,” I said with a smile, “Shaka, this is the bride, aka wife to be, Samantha!” Samantha looked at me surprised. 

“You’re married?” I nodded my head and watched as she smiled and waved at Shaka, telling him that it was nice to meet him and Shaka saying likewise. 

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