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You know when people say they feel butterflies in their stomach? I was feeling that but not in a good way. The anxiety of not knowing what would happen to me was killing me. I was hoping for a chance to join the Agency at this point. Why not? After all, I had already proven myself with the whole Leader thing.

We arrive at the conference room. There's a table on the side with various sweets available. Some donuts, coffee, raspberry, and lemon cake slices, and some muffins. I think blueberry and apple cinnamon.

"Ah, the star of the show." The Founder was sitting in the chair at the end of the table.

"Oh?" I raised my brow, crossing my arms against my chest.

"Welcome." Amanda was sitting beside him. I sat down on the chair.

"So we've decided to make you an offer that you may like." The Founder looked at some paperwork. "I interviewed the Agents in charge of your case and the other people who were in the rescue mission. We have decided to offer you the position of a Field Agent with a salary of $80k a year. In exchange, you will be in charge of the alien known as the Leader. Anything he does will be on you."

The bastard knows what he's doing. He's offering a way for him to keep an eye on him and on me. Worst case scenario, the Leader and I go down and he gets to see if my dad is still willing to take his spot. I look at him. I know Heather thinks that he's changed but I'm not sure. Brendan and Kyra look at each other with concern.

"I'll take it." I say. I am capable of killing him, even if it ticked off Heather and everyone else who seems to want him.

"Very well. Amanda will help you with all your registration papers." The Founder stated. "I hope you don't come to regret this, Erika."

"I don't think I will." I looked at him. "Is there anything else we need to know?"

"Well, we're facing a bit of a shortage in Hunters after some insane werewolves decided to release a virus that killed off a major amount of Hunters in the Midwest and Southwest units. We're going to have to be sending people from the Northeast, Pacific, and Southeast units to help them with the staff shortage. So all of you will be considered on call for the minute being." He stated.

"A virus?" Kyra raised her brow.

"Yes, it seems like those branches were targeted by a werewolf claiming to be a god. Hilariously enough, she was defeated by an avatar of a native goddess and the actual werewolf god of the Northeast." the Founder sighed.

"Wow, that's pretty cool." I responded, looking at the officials.

"And as a result of this change, everyone is getting a five percent raise." Amanda says. Kyra lets out a whoop and Brendan pumps his fist in the air.

"And this is effective for your upcoming checks." Amanda stated. "Also if you are called to another unit, your lodging and travel will be paid for but meals and everything else is on you."

"That's not bad." Karenina spoke.

"Anyway, the meeting is dismissed and Erika?" The Leader sits up.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Make sure you let your ward know." He says. We leave the building.

"I told you he was a vengeful motherfucker." Karenina said, shaking her head.


"How does that look?" Akenath asked Heather.

"That looks really good for a beginner." She smiled sweetly at him. He was staring at a tablet where he had tried to write letters. It was meant for small children, but it would do for now. He was getting better at writing.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He hollers as he focused on finishing writing the alphabet in English. It was Erika, Kyra, and Brendan. He had overheard their names but didn't really speak to anyone besides Heather and Erika.

"So good news, you're getting out of the hospital soon." Erika put her hands on her hips. "But it will be under my watch.."

"What?" Jackson almost burst out of his bed. Was Alberto trying to make him turn again? Probably. Erika didn't look too comfortable herself. He huffed, not angry at the girl but at the man. This was on purpose, he thought.

"Yeah, we both know why the old man did it. I still don't fully trust you but I don't necessarily think you're a danger at the moment." Erika sighed. "Just know if you try your bullshit again, it's over."

"Understood. I don't feel like getting burned alive again." Akenath chuckled.

"What are you doing?" Kyra asked him.

"I'm trying to learn how to write in your language. I hate it." They let out a chuckle.

"I think everyone does." Erika was trying to hide a smile. "I hated trying to learn it in kindergarten."

"Same." Kyra sighed. "English and reading was never my forte."

"I guess I'd prefer you to the government again." Akenath sighed, looking at Erika. "At least you won't do horrible experiments on me."

There was another knock on the door.

"Come in." Kyra spoke. It was the doctor. He did a quick assessment of him and handed him some paperwork.

"Alright, we're releasing you today to go with your appointed guardian, Ms. Jimenez. I want you to find a therapist and to establish care with a primary care provider." He stated. "If you start to feel the same way that lead you to this, please have Ms. Jimenez drive you to the ER or call 911."

"Thank you." Jackson says as he's handed his discharge papers.

"I also have this set of scrubs for you to change into." The doctor hands him some scrubs. Jackson takes them.

"Do you guys mind?" He asked. We nodded and left the room. I wonder if this hospital has a Starbucks or something. I kind of need coffee after this. 

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