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We got in the car to go to the new place that the Agency had assigned us. I was looking forward to getting away from the city. Maybe the aliens will leave us alone then.

"I'm glad that we didn't get fired." Karenina sighed. "I don't think I could set up a resume if I tried."

"Same here." Brendan turned right. "I never paid attention to that in high school."

"I could show you. If we ever get out of this situation." I responded, looking at him.

"That's nice of you." He responded. I saw a car that was riding too close behind us.

"Ugh, I hate when people ride too close. Makes me want to brake check them." Brendan spoke, speeding up. The car sped up with us.

"Hey, do you think-" The car slammed into us. My seat belt tightened on my torso and my heart threatened to beat out of my chest. I saw the creepy look in the driver's eyes.

"Shit, they found us!" Kyra shouted. Brendan hit the gas and we started to speed off. They followed suit. Great, I spoke too soon. Brendan weaves in and out of traffic. I'm surprised a cop hasn't picked up on what's happening. Probably too busy terrorizing homeless people or chatting up a storm with another one.

Their car almost crashes into a few vehicles, Brendan swerves to take an exit and I'm holding on for dear life to the car door.

"Holy shit! They don't give up easily!" Karenina shouted as the car was following us. Suddenly the glass of the back of the car shattered.

"Aaaa!" Kyra was in the fetal position, covering her scalp with her hands. Karenina was grabbing what looked like a M1911 from her purse and started to shoot at the aliens. Their car swerved to the left and crashed against a pole. Suddenly our car swerved to the left as well. Brendan hit the gas but nothing happened. The car stalled and then stamped into the other car. My head started spinning, my ears ringing, and my vision doubled. Great, now I have a concussion.

"It's too late to run, Erika Jimenez!" I did not recognize the voice. I turn my aching head to the voice's direction. A man's body fell to the ground and an octopus-like creature emerged. It was an iridescent black color with neon blue eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask him, raising my brows. Suddenly a tentacle wraps around my neck and drags me out of the car. I'm pretty sure the glass from the broken windows is digging itself into my torso.

I heard gunshots going off. Brendan had gotten out of the car. I was grabbing on to the grass and his grip was tightening. I saw an ant hill as the only bit of loose soil I could find. I gave a quick prayer to my ancestors and threw the dirt from the mound at his eye. He screeched, letting me go. I manage to get enough breath to get up and run towards the Agents.

"You are definitely Alberto's great granddaughter, I'll give you that." He gained a humanoid form with silver undersides.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask. Kyra takes the chance to shoot him in the head. He groans, as flesh hits his henchmen.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Kill the Agents and get Erika!" The alien hollered at the possessed people.

Kyra hands me a M1911.

"Here, I hope you know how to shoot." She responded. I'm glad I can work with these. We start to shoot at the aliens. Some fall but get back up. I shot one in the throat and this time he dropped dead. The Leader then grabbed the car and threw it towards us. We all managed to dodge at the cost of hitting the hard ground too fast. I felt out of breath. I felt something grab me. I was hanging upside down. He had grown in size and was standing as tall as the pine tree.

"You have caused me so much trouble-" He started before I felt electricity go around us. He dropped me and I was screaming. This is how I'm going to die. I felt like I was floating on air. Kyra smiled at me and I gently landed on the ground. Kyra then casts something at the car and motions us to go inside.

We waste no time in buckling in and Brendan hit the gas. I see the giant alien still grabbing at his arms and groaning in pain. Brendan gave a very sharp right.

"I hope he doesn't notice we're gone." Karenina spoke, looking exhausted.

"I feel like shit." My body hurts like a group of people just kicked my ass. Kyra hands me a green vial.

"It's healing agents." She spoke. "I don't have enough magic left for any healing spells, sorry."

I take the liquid and I instantly feel a lot better but I still feel sore.

"Thanks." I responded, handing it back to her.

"I just hope they didn't get a license plate or anything like that." Brendan sighed.

"I doubt it. That shock spell was working on him. A bit too well, if you ask me." Kyra sighed, looking out of the car window.

"Well, if octopus are marine animals and electricity conducts better in water, I'd imagine it would hurt." I responded, looking in front of me. "So, where is this cabin?"

"It's an old timey cabin that was turned into a vacation home for Amanda. But we can use it if needed. It has a pond and all these neat things. There's also a signal blocker so we can't be tracked there." Kyra was looking at her phone.

"I hope she put fish in there like she said she would. I've been wanting to go fishing." Brendan spoke.

That sounded nice. I wish we didn't have to run. It's getting exhausting but there's no better option for us. At least not now. But I still have to focus on my main priority: getting my family back, no matter what.

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