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He woke up in what seemed like a chamber full of floating screens and other things.

"Leader." The voice spoke. "Leader."

JD slowly opened his eyes and looked at the alien.

"What? Where?" He asked, getting up.

"Leader, we have had some scientists working on a way to reverse this form of yours." A green female alien spoke to him.

"What are you talking about?" JD spoke. "You keep calling me your Leader."

"That's because you are." The green alien looked at him strangely. "The Agency must have done something to you, sire."

"The Agency?" He asked, raising his bow. "Who's that?"

"It's the organization that was founded by the ancestor of their current Founder to stop threats against humanity, such as yourself." The green alien responded. "It seems as if you have forgotten everything."

"I-" JD started. Was he really an evil alien that was trying to destroy humanity? What would explain why he could hear the fish and why they feared him. They knew what he was. That explained why he was kidnapped.

"So..." he started to speak. "How did I end up on the beach?"

"Your base was underground." A red and angry alien approached him. "Erika defeated you and I'm guessing sometime between them being rescued and you waking up, the change happened."

"He does resemble Queen Ayleah." Another pink and white alien spoke to the red one. She then looked back at him.

"He does. May the Gods watch over her now." The red one was speaking to the first one.

"Queen Ayleah...." He looked down. His head was spinning. He remembered a blond woman holding him in her arms, smiling. She was telling him stories, looking at a sky full of stars and back at him. She was pressing her forehead against his tiny face, smiling.

"Akenath...my son.." She said with sweetness in her voice. He saw her and his father arguing, his mother being hauled away to the chopping block with him trying to run as fast as he could.

"Mommy!" He screamed as she was beheaded. Then he was kicked out of the palace. He was working away at the mines and underwater, watching himself go from a little boy to a teenager. He had heard a group in the mines talking about wanting to overthrow the King and establish a new government.

"I'll join." He remembered telling them as they stared at him. He remembered the long, brutal battle that it took to get to the palace. He had murdered his middle brother after he tried to claim the throne for himself. He had become the Leader, no longer royalty but a leader of his people. He had laid down new laws and married Scarleth.

He tried to be a good leader. He was. Then Roswell happened. He wasn't even supposed to be on Earth. He was hoping the humans would aid him in getting to the Andromeda system again but instead, they tortured him in the name of their science. He had vowed revenge on them and on Alberto Diaz. He remembered now.

He had hunted down most of the direct line of Alberto but it turned out he had a great grandchild that had evaded him. It was a girl, adopted out into another family. He had been searching for her until he found out about Lydia Jimenez. At first, he thought it was her, as she was getting too close to his plans.

Then his men had failed in capturing her, over and over. He had failed in capturing her.

"That girl....that was Erika.." He spoke. Felixin offered him a syringe.

"You can take revenge on her." He handed it to him. "Return back to your old form."

"Felix, what the hell? Stop that!!" Scarleth shouted.

He felt an array of emotions at the same time. He wanted revenge but he was also tired of fighting. He had been fighting the last ninety seven years of his life. All for his own people who hated him and humanity that hadn't done anything wrong to him besides the few bad apples.

"I..." He started, saying nothing.

"Do you want this or not? We're waiting." Felixin told him. The Leader looked at the syringe. Did he even want to get revenge anymore?

"No, I'm sorry." He handed it back. "I...I don't want to keep this going."

"What?" Felixin narrowed his eyes at him. "You don't want revenge?"

"No." He responded. "I'm tired of this. I just don't want to keep this going."

"Well, I'm not giving you that choice." Felixin stabbed him in the neck with it. Oh no.


I was leaning against the balcony of the hotel room when the ground started to shake. Panicking, I ran inside of the suite.

"Erika?" Lydia had just gotten out of the shower.

"Earthquake!" I manage. Then I hear what sounds like an extremely feral roar.

"That is not an earthquake." Jodi got up from the bed. We open the curtains to see what looks like the Leader but huge. The alien was grabbing at its head and grabbing at its neck, roaring.

"Just one hour! One hour!" I groan as I get my jacket back on.

"What are you doing?" Jodi asked me. I yanked off my slides and pulled on my combat boots.

"Well, I'm going to finish what I started." I remarked, tying the laces.

"Erika!" Lydia responded. It was too late. I was already out the door and running down the hall.


Kyra, a few cops, and I were watching him rampage. It didn't seem like he was actively trying to destroy anything but he seemed extremely distressed.

"What's going on?" I hear a voice behind us. It's Heather in her scrubs. She then looks up.

"What is that?" She asked as the Leader let out angry sounds.

"It's the Leader in his true form." Kyra responded. "That is what he really is."

"Wow, that's......interesting." Heather looked at him. We saw helicopters approaching him. "Wait, what are they doing?"

"You should go, Heather." Kyra put her hand on her hip.

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