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OMG, you guys, I am so sorry for the super long wait. It's just that things in collage have been super rough lately but I finally manged to get some me time. Also there was not a single day that went by that I was not thinking about this story. But my only problem right now is it the summit of mount Neverrest, the lagoon of golden whatever it's called, and day of the only child. I just have to say that I am really frusted with the summit of mount Neverrest because everytime I try to write that chapter it always ends up deleting itself automatically. This has happened three times already and I'm truly sorry to all of you that wanted me to write it, but I am just done with trying to write it, so we're just gonna say that Dani was sick with flue and couldn't joing the duck family on their trip. And as for the other two, I'm finding it really hard to put Dani in both of them I'm still busy writing out some ideas for it, so that's a yes on those ones. But you're gonna have to wait a little bit longer, sorry. But in the meantime please enjoy this chapter. Also here's a pic of Dani in her winter outfit. Fun fact is the I actually drew it like months ago before I even started writing this story and while I was still deciding on how I wanted Dani's hair to look like. This hairstyle is not official


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Dani was on her way to the kitchen from the TV room where she waswatching a show about two chicken brothers called The Ottoman Empire. She's not exactly the type of person to watch these type of shows, but the triplet were such a bad influence on her since day one, and she had to admit it wasn't all that bad. Those boys really knew how to have fun or just lay back and relax.

In fact she was so distracted with the TV show that she didn't even notice Mrs beakley scolding them about cleaning the room that was a bit of a mess. But due to them running out of popcorn, a game of rock, paper, scissors took place and dani ended up losing. Sighing, she got off her really comfortable seat on the couch and made her way to the kitchen with a glass cup in her hand to get some juice and some more snacks.

Finally arriving at the kitchen, Dani opened the door and what she saw made her jaw drop and the glass fall right out of her hand.

"Aaaaaaaahhh!". Her voice echoed through the house that even the birds outside were flying away.

Not a moment too soon did webby and scrooge barge into the room.

"What is it, Danielle? What's going on?". Scrooge asked all that as he and webby got defensive until they noticed what the shock girl was seeing and their eyes went wide with shock.

The whole kitchen was a mess. They were spills and cracks and broken glass everywhere.

"Great sacks of delirium!".

"Maybe Donald tried to make an omelet again?". Webby said as they walked in to investigate.

"Impossible. He still hasn't figured how to get out of the pantry". Scrooge gestured to said duck screaming and trying to barge himself out of the pantry.

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