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The sunchaser had already crashed in the dessert and footprints were seen in a trail towards a pyramid buried in the sand. Inside the pyramid, a hand came out of the sand in the ground before a coughing scrooge McDuck did as he grunted before pulling his whole body out.

Another hand popped up next to him, signifying the owner needed help, to which scrooge pulled them up with his cane. The hand revealing to belong to launchpad who the kids hanged on to as they all gasp for air, also crouching out sand.

"And that's why you don't scream while sinking in quicksand". Webby said before Louie grabbed unto her sweater vest.

"Webby, please don't tell me how to die!". He went back to coughing out sand as the girl helped him up with a smile.

"Don't worry. Nelly and I have read all about the ancient pyramids. I'll show you the ins and outs".

Louie gagged. "Would love to focus on the outs".

"Match". Scrooge held his hand out to Dani who stuck her hand into her ponytail and pulled out a match box before handing it to scrooge who lit one before using it to lit a touch.

"You put a match box in your hair?". Dewey asked her with a raised brow as she looked at him.

"You never know when you might need it". Dani replied with a shrugg before looking at the wall before them showing some ancient hieroglyphics, to which scrooge laughed.

"I was right! The tomb of Toth-ra, bringer of the sun. I've been searching for decades and-". He was cut off by chomping and turned to launchpad earning a burrito. "Launchpad!".

"Mm. Did you want a bite?". He asked with a mouth full as scrooge approached him, glaring before grabbing the burrito from him.

"This is the last of the lost pyramids. Show some respect". He scolded before turning to walk away as the kids followed him. Dani noticing launchpad pulling out another boruto to eat as he followed.

"Sorry, Mr McD".

Dani shook her head playfully at him as she walked along side huey and dewey, the latter looking all excited.

"Oh, man! What if there's a whole army of mummies down here?".

"Unlikely. Mummification was an expensive process meant for royalty. It's be rare for more than one mummy-". Huey was cut off by Dani nugging his arm with her elbow, making him look at her. She then gestured to Dewey, seeing his sad face as huey looked at him before adding something he knew would bring a smile to his face. "Toth-ra was pretty rich. I bet there's at least six".

Dewey smiled at that before Louie popped up and wrapped his arms around his brother's shoulders.

"Rich? What are we talking? Jewels, antiquities, what?".

"Pharaohs from this period were typically entombed with treasures, servants, jars full of vital organs".

Both Dani and Louie cringed at that last one before Louie let go of his brothers and ran ahead.

"Ignoring the bad part. See you in the treasure room! Wee!". He was about to run down a part until scrooge stopped him by holding out his cane.

"Careful!". He scolded as they all stood before a door before scrooge opened it with his cane with everyone watching eagerly, only to have nothing but a empty room.

"That was pretty anti-climactic". Dani commented.

Suddenly the ground under them fell, making them scream as they fall in and began sliding down a steep compartment. They went through different twist and turns, webby's adventure hat even flying off in the process. Dani, who was hugging unto Dewey, somehow got separated from him as she, webby and Louie went through another shute. Eventually the three made it to the end.

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