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A/N: Day trip of doom will be posted in a day or two


Dewey duck was sneaking around. He hid, watching scrooge drag around a lazy Louie before making his way down the hall once the cost was clear. Finally arriving at his destination and making sure no one was watching him, he opened the door and quickly closed it behind him before going over to a book shelf. He looked around before his eyes finally landed on one and he pulled it out, reading the cover that said "the secret files of webigail vanderduck".

"What are you doing here?".

Dewey shrieked in surprised at the sudden voice that made him let go of the book before it was caught in the hand of Dani who was leaning against the shelf with a smirk on her face as she looked at Dewey, who had fallen to the ground.

"I'm not breaking in; you're breaking in!". He said quickly to defend himself.

"Huh-uh. And you're hands aren't covered in glitter". She pointed to his hands that had glitter on them from the book's cover.

"I'm sorry". Dewey said, getting up as he dusted himself off. "I was just looking for information about my family".

"Well, why didn't you just say so rather than sneaking around? I'm sure webby would've loved to help".

"Someone say my name?". Asked webby popping out of nowhere upside down, to which Dewey once again screamed in surprise and fell to the ground.

"He's looking for information on-".

"You're in luck!". Webby said, interrupting the older girl as she flipped snd landed gracefully on the ground, grabbing her file book back as Dewey got up. "What do you want? Shoe sizes, horrible dark secrets known only to your uncle scrooge that could change the fate of the world as we know it?".

"Why do you even have those?". Dani looked at her confused, to which she just giggled werildly.

"No reason . . ."

"What do you know about my mom?".

The two girls gasp in shock at Dewey's question before webby went towards the window to see if they were being watched before closing the curtains.

"What do you know about your mom?". Dani asked, as webby came to her side.

"Uncle Donald just told us she was gone. The only thing we have of her is this photo". He replied, holding out a photo of Della happily smashing Donald's face into a birthday cake.

Webby gasp. "Photographic evidence! I've gotta add it to my della duck files". She said, swiping the photo from him before running away and came back with a file she added the photo into.

"You have a whole file on my mom?". Dewey grabbed the file to take a look, only to see just the photo in it. "Seriously? This is it?".

"Sorry, but Della's personal information is hard to get. Even from her own family". Dani exclaimed, she and dewey watching as webby revealed her McDuck research board. "We've been looking into her for years, but there's nothing. No photos, no records. No one even talks about her".

"One time, a piece of junk mail with her name on it showed up at our door, and a day later, scrooge bought the post office, and i never saw our mailman again". Webby added.

"Maybe he retired?". Dewey asked, sounding a little terrified as the girls looked back at him.

"Maybe. But one thing's for sure". Dani stated concernly. "Bad things happen to people who ask about della duck".

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