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I'm bored of this place. It's time for something new. It's time for an adventure.

Oh, you agree?

Well what are we waiting for??

We could hop in a car and drive, laughing and singing until our hearts gave out. We could visit the grand canyon. Peer across the ravine to the other side, fourteen miles across. We could hike and even take a boat down the river, just you and me. No one to bother us, nothing we couldn't possibly achieve.

Then we could visit California. I'm feeling like taking a swim. Would you like to join me? Of course! We are never separated. Feel the hot sand beneath our feet. Feel the laughter bubbling up inside us as we dash out to the cool water, excited to give the bottoms of our feet a break from the burning sand. Diving in, first me of course, but you following soon after, we can swim with fish. Maybe even see a sea turtle!

But we can't stay long! There's too much to see! So much to do!

We hop in our car once more and we are off! Down we go and leave the only country we have ever been in before. We head into Mexico and visit the Aztec ruins. Both of us are astounded to see how short the doors of the ruins are. I can fit through easily, but you have to bend and crouch.

After seeing all there is to see, we get on a boat and float until we arrive on the sandy beaches of Hawaii. We stay at a small cabin on the beach. We have delicious seafood and plan the next leg of our trip. While waiting for our departure, we enjoy the dancing and the singing the island has to provide. We snorkel in the ocean and watch the bright, colorful fish dart in and out of the reef.

But soon the day of our departure has come. We take a plane and land in Brazil. We visit Rio and watch the Carnival Parade. Walking through the jungle, we see animals of many different kinds. Odd birds and other creatures. We see an alligator lurking in the shadows. He grins as we walk away, leaving him to his day dreaming. We look up at the sky and float on a raft down a crystal clear river, daydreaming of what's to come.

Suddenly, we wake. Somehow we had fallen sleep on the raft and where in the middle of the ocean. The sun sparkles off the tips of the waves as they swirl and dance. It doesn't take long for a round and grey nose to appear, then a head and two beady dolphin eyes. Laughing, we cling to the dolphins and they swim, taking us closer and closer to land.

When the dolphins stop, we rub their silky heads a few times and wade to shore. We climb up on the beach of Africa. Taking a safari drive through Africa dries our clothes rather quickly. I point out a lion and you somehow spot a cheetah mother and her cubs. We see elephants rinsing themselves off with their hose-like trunks and giraffes raising their heads to the sky. Our safari car zooms alongside a herd of antelope but soon our ride is over.

Waving goodbye to our new friends and the wonderful animals, we turn and head to Egypt. We visit the pyramids of Giza and the sphinx, but soon we are on our way. We pass through Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. We head to Italy and have the best Italian food ever. Then we go to France. The people there are rather snooty. We get sick and leave.

We go through Germany and have some delicious chocolate. We visit Britain and head to Russia. After looking around for a while, we get sick of the cold and head down to China.

There are so many people in China!! A lot of things are high tech too! We treck to India and ride some elephants. We head back through China until we fly to Japan. We visit my cousins and they show us around. We would like to stay, but we have to keep going.

We Jump islands down to Indonesia and finally reach Australia. This is where I had been waiting to visit. The accents people have spread a smile across both our faces. You insist that we try to find P. Sherman 42 Wallabe Way Sydney. After walking through Sydney for a while, we give up.

We fly to Alaska. We see bears and wolves but keep walking until we reach Canada. It's really cold, but we don't mind. We are happy to hear everyone say "Ay" all the time. We keep going through Canada until we reach Niagara Falls. The sight is beautiful. It takes both of our breaths away.

The last leg of our trek has finished. We are both tucked safely away in our beds. Our adventure was fun, but i'm ready to stay home for a while. We traveled around the world! We met dolphins and lions. Together there is nothing we can't do. We will be best friends forever, right?

Goodnight my friend. I await our next adventure together.

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