If I were dead...

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I have often wondered if my existence has made a difference in anyone's life. What if I had never been born?

The friends I have now would no longer be bothered with a friend who is careless, rude, loud, annoying, and just a hassle all around. Adam wouldn't argue with me because I would no longer be here. All the wrong things I have said to anyone, would no longer have been said. Tori wouldn't be bothered with a friend who acts as if she doesn't care. Prae and Shannon wouldn't have to sit through my stories again and again. My parents wouldn't have a kid that they feel as if the always have to be monitering. Bryce, Erin, and Sam wouldn't have such an inconsiderate friend. They wouldn't have a friend that is stubborn and hates to apologize is she feels as if it isnt her fault, yet always ends up doing it anyways because she wants that person in her life still.

Mr. Fierro wouldn't have the loud, obnoxious girl run into his class after fourth period anymore. The Jazz band would no longer have to sit through my horrible solos until I finally get the hang of them. The fashion design class would no longer have the awkward tomboy in it's class. Ms. Thornburg wouldn't have a student who couldn't seem to get her report in on time. Mr. Lytle wouldn't have the loud girl who always had too much energy in his class. Mrs. Archbold wouldn't have to always teach me what to do. My dad wouldn't have to listen to me as I cry like a baby and then give me advice. Mr. Hansen would have never had to deal with the stubborn kid who never knew when to shut up. The kids at EFY wouldn't have had to deal with me either.

Maybe the world would have been better?

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