Glaciator Part #2

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As we race off we spot a snowman made of ice cream, with a large, round head with an ice-cream-cone-shaped nose, a mouth made of deep brown chocolate chips, brilliant crimson eyes, and a red cherry on top of his head. His body is white overall, with two more cherries down the front like buttons, as well as one on each knee. He has a dark brown coating on his upper body resembling fudge sauce, and his arms have round pink hands which have red strawberry pieces embedded in them.

 He has a dark brown coating on his upper body resembling fudge sauce, and his arms have round pink hands which have red strawberry pieces embedded in them

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Both Cat Noir and I landed on a nearby rooftop, facing Glaciator. He notices our arrival.

André: Cat Noir! Exomnibus! Have you heard of a girl named Lea?

That makes me rather confused. Lea is the sweetest of all our friends, (there is no bias here. What are you on about?) what does Glaciator want with her? Cat Noir and I get on the defensive.

(Y/N): Whatever you want with my— er— our friend, you're not going to achieve.

Glaciator: Fine! That can wait until later! Your Ultimatrix and Miraculous! I need them for a special ice cream flavor! You two will be the first to try!

He then brings his ice cream fist towards us and shoots. Fortunately, both Cat Noir and I dodged in time and hid behind a column.

Cat Noir: This is where we should probably call the bug.

(Y/N): Right, call her and I'll deal with Frozen Face here.

Cat Noir began calling and I transformed into Heatblast... well tried to.

Cat Noir: How's a frozen butterfly gonna stop a pile of ice cream?

Big Chill is a blue and black insect humanoid alien with navy-blue wings, green eyes, and dark blue fur on the top of his shoulders to the bottom of his thighs. Big Chill has light blue spots on his forelimbs, antennas, claws, and head.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: Big Chill, why do you semi-hate me, upgraded Ultimatrix?

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(Y/N) as Big Chill: Big Chill, why do you semi-hate me, upgraded Ultimatrix?

I flew off as Cat Noir frantically dodged the icy blast from Gladiator.

André: I'll bury Paris in an entire layer of ice cream!

(Y/N): Bold claim for literal ice cream.

Cat Noir who had called in our reinforcement of Ladybug.

Cat Noir: You know, the only person I know that sells ice cream is André.

That's right André also had a way with his words, but what happened? He was pretty chill and from what everyone said, nothing could make the man upset. Before I could complete the puzzle, a large scoop of ice cream came flying my way. I turn intangible and freeze it midair before it could hit any of the rooftops. I continued to encircle Glaciator at some high speed for the abominable snowman. We all hid behind a car as I transformed back.

(Y/N): If that really is André, then the Akuma has to be his ice cream scooper.

Ladybug: And the ice cream scooper is where he shoots out the ice cream.

(Y/N): Yeah... but now there is a problem.

All three of us hid behind the car.

(Y/N): We have to find a way to get close to him.

Ladybug: Why can't you just transform, and we'll go from there?

I turn to her to see her nod.

(Y/N): *Sigh* Well if he just sees us running in guns blazing, he'll encase one of us in ice cream. And for this plan to work, we need everyone on deck.

Glaciator: Stop hiding and come out, little heroes!

I peeked out of the car and noticed a Parisian couple walking out in the open. Then, André raised his ice cream fist at the couple.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: I'll get them...

But before I could launch myself at him, he let the couple go. My eyes widen in realization. I fall back but don't transform back.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: Okay! I know what we need to do now!

Both Ladybug and Cat Noir quietly waited for my plan.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: Cat Noir, you wait for my signal up there and use your cataclysm on his ice cream body.

I then point at a nearby rooftop.

Cat Noir: But wouldn't that affect André too? And what signal?!

(Y/N) as Big Chill: If you concentrate enough, Cat Noir, it won't affect him. And you'll get the signal as soon as you see it.

We all nodded and got to battle stance, as much as I would love for this to be Lea, this is the best we're going to get.

(Y/N): Alright, André, you win.

Glaciator is about to fire at them. I hold out his hand to Ladybug, but Ladybug holds his arm and rests her head on his shoulder instead. Glaciator stops himself as Ladybug and I walk up. We don't have to react as neither of us is fearful of the large ice cream man before us.

André freaks out and a quick moment later we take that win, as I transform into Ghostfreak and grab the spoon. Turns out that Glaciator was a shell for André to hide within and the Akuma was inside the ice cream the whole time.


(Y/N): Isn't it beautiful? Well, I'll leave you two to it.

I had shown the appreciation gift that Cat Noir made for Ladybug, and tomorrow would be a new day.


André: Mint for his watch, violent raspberry for his mind, and blackberry for his raven hair. Does it remind you of someone?

Lea had visited the pier once again via Marinette's recommendation for a 'soulmate ice cream'. Lea nodded as Marinette took one for herself.

André: Peach pink like his lips and mint like his eyes!

Lea & Marinette: *Beaming* They're delicious.

The two enjoy their Spring Break and walk off into the sunsetting Paris. 


It's short and doesn't have any drama, but that's because you got your priorities set straight, right? 

It's short and doesn't have any drama, but that's because you got your priorities set straight, right? 

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