Aincrad Pt. 20: Laughing Coffin

Beginne am Anfang

XaXa: Everything is proceeding as planned.

PoH: Good. When the time comes, leave U/n and the girl to me. Do what you want with the others.

Johnny: Oh, we will.

A devilish smirk crept its way onto Johnny's face, but no one could see it due to the sack on his head. PoH always found it strange that Johnny had a burlap sack with two eye holes and a mouth cut into it. XaXa at least had an actual mask, although he covered his head with a hood which only added to the mystery.

(U/n pov)

With everyone now prepared, the march to Laughing Coffin's base began. Upon teleporting to Floor 65, I went ahead to do some scouting. Just as I'd thought, there was absolutely nothing that could give away an ambush.

"It's clear. No sign of anyone, but they are there. They'll come from above and try to kill as many of us as they can" I said

Heathcliff: With the destruction of this evil, progress on clearing the game can finally resume. Forward men!

Everyone marched forward with their hands gripped tightly on the hilts of their weapons. and then, right as we were underneath a large platform, it began. Kirito seemingly noticed it too.


Everyone dispersed and drew their weapons as the forces of Laughing Coffin descended upon us. They landed and immediately went to fight the person nearest to them.

As the battle began, several people met their demise. Bodies littered the battlefield before shattering and leaving the weapons behind. The area was filled with the sounds of blades clashing. So far, I had killed 10 enemies and I wasn't going to stop. The assault team was doing fine on their own and so was everyone else not originally part of it. Kirito was doing just as well as I was but he was alone on the battlefield. Koharu was next to me, daggers in hand.

Koharu: I seem to remember you saying if we ever went to war with these people that you would enjoy it. Has it been everything you hoped for?

"Yes. I have long awaited this moment. they will soon be vanquished from this place" I said

We continued to fight. Eventually, we got separated but I wasn't worried. We could both hold our own in a fight. I used everything in my arsenal to inflict maximum damage.

Klein: You doing okay?

I looked to my right and saw Klein cut someone down with a high-speed skill called <Flashing Strike>. The skill had a secondary ability that sent out a deadly shockwave if the first attack hit the opponent head-on. After the first enemy died the shockwave killed four more.

"Yeah, you?" I asked

Klein: Same here. There's just no end to these guys though.


I looked in the direction of the shout and gasped. In the distance, I saw a player carving through my allies like butter.

"It's him. PoH is here" I said

Klein: Then let's get him.

"Right," I said

I shot forward with a burst of speed and launched myself at him with all my strength. Our blades clanged against one another as I flipped over him. I landed on my feet and angled my blade at his face.

PoH: Hahahaha, I was wondering when you would show up. Do you know how long I've waited for this?

"Not long enough. Today you will die with your band of killers" I said

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