Aincrad Pt. 14: Yhorm the Giant

Start from the beginning

Koharu: Huh, now that I think about it, you're right.

"Aren't I always though?" I joked

Koharu(laughs): Sounds like someone's cocky.

"Oh? Well if I'm cocky then what does that make you? You follow me wherever I go" I said

Koharu: You're impossible sometimes.

"You like that about me though, do you not?" I asked

Koharu: Maybe.

"Anyway, what's on the menu for lunch today? Anything you need me to buy?" I asked

Koharu: No, but thanks for offering. I've got everything I need right here.

"Okay. I'm gonna visit Agil. I've got some stuff I need to get rid of and he's the man to go to" I said

Koharu: Just make sure you aren't gone for too long.

"I won't," I said

We both went inside. I equipped my gear and made sure everything I wanted to sell was in my inventory and not the item storage. Once I was ready I went to the door to leave, but Koharu stopped me.

Koharu: Before you go, I wanted to say something.

"Sure. What's up?" I asked

Koharu: Laughing Coffin has been eerily silent for a while now, and I-

"You're worried about me aren't you?" I said

Koharu(sighs): Am I that transparent?

"Sometimes. Look, I'll be okay. I promise. There's nothing they can throw at me that I can't handle. If anything, they should be afraid of me after what I did to them when I rescued you" I said

Koharu: I know you can protect yourself, but that still doesn't abate my worries every time you go out alone.

"I know. Tell you what, I'll get some of that fruit you like on my way back, okay? How does that sound?" I asked

Koharu: That sounds wonderful. Thanks U/n. You're the best!

"I try," I said

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. I looked at her in awe as her face became flushed. We looked at each other before quickly looking away.

Koharu: It's for luck.

"I'll be back soon. Take care of yourself while I'm gone" I said

Koharu: I will.

I flashed a smile before opening the door and heading out.

(3rd pov)

As Koharu watched U/n leave, she realized something. Her worry for his safety wasn't just because she wanted him to return unharmed. It was something else.

Koharu(in mind): What is this feeling? Do-Do I love him? No, that can't be right. We've barely known each other for a year. I can't be in love with him. Besides, he probably doesn't feel the same. Even if he did, what would I say? Would I have the courage to give him the answer he wanted? I should talk to someone about this and get a second opinion.

Koharu opened up her menu and tapped on her friend list before scrolling and stopping on the name she was looking for. After typing a message, she closed her menu and waited for a response.

(U/n pov)

I walked through the bustling streets of Algade while I made my way toward Agil's shop. I soon reached an alleyway on my right side and turned to go down it. At the very end was a sign hanging above a door. It read "Agil's trading emporium".

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