Aincrad Pt. 13: Aldrich, Devourer of Gods

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Koharu: Sounding cool maybe?

"Yeah, that's it" I chuckled

We walked outside and gazed at the night sky. I saw Archdragon Peak in the distance and narrowed my eyes. One of the hardest bosses in Dark Souls history was up there.

Koharu: What're you staring at?

"You see the building in the mountains way out there?" I asked

Koharu: No, not really.

"Look straight ahead," I said

She squinted her eyes the same way I did, then gasped a bit when she saw what I'd been looking at.

Koharu: Wow, that's cool. I wonder what's over there.

"Nothing fun," I said

Koharu: Sometimes I forget that you know everything about this stuff. It's like those scientists on tv that always seem to have an answer for everything.

"Unlike them though, I have personal experience with the stuff I know about instead of just knowing it because I did research. I've spent over 200 hours playing Dark Souls 3. That's why I know as much as I do" I said

Koharu: I've often wondered what it might be like to have that much information stored in my mind.

"As strange as it may sound, I didn't gain all my knowledge by choice," I said

Koharu: What do you mean?

"It has to do with my life irl. I know its a given that we don't talk about our lives outside of the game, but for you to understand why I know as much as I do, I need to explain my life outside of this virtual confinement" I said

Koharu: Okay.

"It started years before SAO was even announced. For as long as I can remember, my parents have been at each other's throats for something. Whether it was accusing the other of cheating or some other stupid accusation, they always found a reason to fight" I said

Koharu: That sounds awful.

"It was. To keep myself from going insane, I dove into the gaming world, much deeper than I'd previously done before. Outside of school, I was locked in my room 24/7 playing games. It's because of that that I involuntarily gained all the knowledge I now have. I guess the one saving grace was that my parents never turned their anger at each other on me. As a 15-year-old kid, all I wanted was for us to be a happy family. I'd see the way that other families interacted with one another and...I wanted it" I said

I'd been so busy talking that I didn't notice the tears falling down my face. I looked away from Koharu and wiped my eyes.

Koharu: Oh U/n...

I felt something wrap itself around my midsection. For a second my heartbeat sped up until I realized she'd probably only done it to comfort me. She had buried her head into my chest while hugging me.

"Why did you do that?" I asked

Koharu: Because I saw how deeply hurt you were. No one should have to deal with what you do. It isn't right nor is it fair.

I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't hoping for something else. The fact that she'd hugged me would've given anyone the wrong idea.

Koharu: Anyway, if we're going to explore then we should get started.

"Yeah," I said

(24 hours later)

Just as planned, we met up with the other guilds a day after the Sulyvahn fight. We had to fight two giants, three invader-type enemies, and several members of the religious cult that worshipped Aldrich. Once they were dead, I led everyone to the tower that would take us to Anor Londo.

SAO x Dark Souls Volume 1: Cinders of AincradOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant