Aincrad Pt. 6: Dancer of the Boreal Valley

Start from the beginning

With my business now concluded, I was ready to fight the Dancer. After walking down the stairs, I touched the coiled sword and selected Vordt's bonfire. The golden fog consumed my body and transported me back to Lothric. I headed out of the boss arena and drew my sword.

In my path were four Hollows, three of which had spears and shields. Past them and above me, three Lothric Knights were patrolling the massive stairway. I quickly dispatched all seven enemies before making my way back inside the cathedral. Emma was still in her chair, but not for much longer. I approached the wrinkled NPC and silently swung my sword down. The blade met her shriveled body and cut her torso free.

Emma(fading): My lord, Prince Lothric...

Once she faded away, I heard the familiar sound of liquid dripping from the ceiling. I turned around and saw the Dancer hanging from the ceiling before she dropped down and let out an ethereal howl.

Broken and battered, I managed to defeat the Dancer with one point of HP to spare. I had severely underestimated the sheer difficulty and threat levels the Dancer posed. My overconfidence had nearly cost me my life. I was in no condition to commit to a boss rush right now, so I teleported back to Firelink.

(3rd pov)

Argo had just finished up with a particularly difficult client. She sighed before remembering that she had a meeting with Kirito.

Argo(groans): That Kii-boy...

She walked to the nearest teleport monument and selected the place of the meeting she and Kirito had agreed upon.

Meanwhile, Kirito and Asuna were growing impatient. It was now nighttime and Argo still hadn't shown up.

Kirito: I wonder what's keeping her.

Asuna: If she hasn't shown by now, she probably isn't coming. Let's just go home and try again tomorrow.

Kirito: Yeah, you're right. Sorry for dragging you into this, Asuna.

Asuna: Its fine.

Kirito: You sure?

Asuna: Yeah. I didn't have anything planned for today and I don't mind waiting with you.

???: Would ya get a room already?

The teens jumped at the sudden voice. Their hands flew to the hilts of their weapons as the voice's owner came out from the shadows. When Kirito saw who it was, he relaxed his grip.

Kirito: Stand down Asuna, that's Argo.

Asuna let go of her rapier and breathed a sigh of relief.

Kirito: What took you so long, rat?

Argo: I had a very pushy client today and our meeting lasted far longer than I would've liked. Sorry for makin' you two wait. So what did you want to talk about, Kii-boy?

Kirito: Right. This isn't something I want to discuss outside. Do you mind if we go to a tavern or something?

Argo: Lead the way.

Kirito turned and walked down the street with the two girls following him. They headed into a local tavern and sat down. An NPC waiter approached their table with a smile.

NPC: What can I get for you today?

Kirito: A glass of fruit punch.

Asuna: I'd like some red wine, please.

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