Chapter 5

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"You wanted to talk to me, sir?" I asked. "Yes, I did. It's about your transfer. I assume you got the letter?" He asked. He was much taller than me so I had to turn my head upwards to look him in the eye.

"Yes sir, I did," I said with a smile. "But the letter didn't say when I was leaving?"

"You will be leaving tomorrow morning, I'm afraid." He said, he wasn't looking at me but at something behind me, just staring into space.

"But sir I haven't packed or finished my homework for my classes and we have a quidditch match tomorrow afternoon, I can't just leave my team like that." I was a seeker in my team. One of the professors told me I was the youngest seeker since the fourteenth century, so the youngest seeker in 5 centuries is what I am.

"I know your team has already been told, your belongings have already been shipped and you will wake up and head to my office at 10:00 am on the dot. I'm I clear?" He asked. The way he said it made it seem like he thought I would fight back more.

"Yes sir," I said looking at the floor.

"Good, head to your dormitory and get a good night's sleep, you'll need it."

I couldn't sleep at all that night. I was up tossing and turning, thinking about what I would say to Harry. How would he look? Does he play Quidditch too? If so what position does he play? What Hogwarts house is he in and what house will I be in?

I don't remember falling asleep but I do remember waking up. I set my alarm to go off at 8:00 am so I could get dressed and eat breakfast with my friends for the last time. I also wanted to say goodbye to them and thank them for all they have done for me.

I got up put on my grey jumper and a pair of black sweatpants and headed down to the great hall. But as I left my dormitory there were hordes of people shouting at me.

People were shouting stuff like "Can I get your autograph?" or "Can you tell Harry Potter hi for me?" It was all really weird. It was like overnight the entire school found out I was Harry Potter's sister.

This was the exact reason I didn't want to tell people I was a Potter, everyone would only want to be my friend to get an autograph or meet my brother.

I guess I was right. I started to walk through the crowd as my friends ran up to me. "Maddie! Maddie!" They formed sort of a circle around me, fighting back the crowd. "We tried to keep them back, there were just too many of them!"

We fought through the crowd and made our way to the great hall. I couldn't even see the tables with the number of students trying to talk to me.

"Everyone, please have a seat!" Our headmaster's voice boomed through the room. At that, everyone in the great hall ran back to their seats and left us standing there. I turned around to see him standing in the large doorway. I gave all my friends one last hug goodbye and walked out of the great hall with him without a second look.

As he walked me outside of the school, there was a taxi waiting for me. I gave him one last look and thanked him before getting in and driving off.

After a little while of driving, I finally arrived at the airport. Mrs. and Mr. Winslow were standing outside the doors o the building. I hopped out and thanked the driver, then ran over and hugged them both.

"Thank you so much, I couldn't have asked for a better family to stay with these last two years. Thank you for everything" I hugged them again.

"It was our pleasure, dear," Mrs. Winslow said. They walked me as far as they could through security. Now I was on my own. I found my gate and waited for what seemed like hours.

Over the intercom, a flight attendant said we were now able to board. I walked onto the plane with the other passengers and found my seat. I was on the aisle, next to a mom and a child.

I've never been on a plane before but I read all about them in my first year and how they work.

The pilot and flight attendants were preparing for liftoff and I buckled my seat belt tightly. After about 20 minutes I fell asleep.

I was woken up by a hand shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see who it was. It was the mother who was sitting next to me. "Oh good you're awake," she said, taking a deep breath.

"The plane is about to land, and I didn't want you to be jerked awake by us hitting the ground," she said with a smile.

"Thank you," I said. I sat up in my seat and after we landed I made my off the plane and into what looked like a place where people claim their luggage. I didn't have any so I walked out of the building. I saw Hagrid! He was holding a small sign that read "Potter" I walked up to him and smiled.

"Hello sir, I'm Maddie Potter," I said. "Indeed you are" He smiled down at me, "This way dear," He led me to the same motorbike that he had driven Harry and me in when we first met him.

"We are heading to the Leaky Cauldron, you already have a room set up with yur stuff in it" He started the motorbike with a jerk and it began to move, after we were out of sight of the muggles, it started to fly.

He drove to the Leaky Cauldron and let me out, "Good luck, Maddie!" He said with a grin. At that, he drove off with a wave and nothing more. I turned around to see the pub and walked in. The first person I saw when I walked in was a slightly plump and kind-looking woman. She had bright red hair and so did the boy next to her. She was fixing his hair and mumbling something. The door shut behind me and they both turned to look at me.

"Mum, she looks just like Harry." I heard the boy whisper to her. "Hello dear," She said walking over to me with open arms. "I'm Molly Weasly, you must be Maddie," I nodded and she wrapped me in a hug.

"You look just like him," She held me at arm's length then pulled me into another hug. I had absolutely no idea who this woman was, should I?

She walked me over to the boy she was standing by a moment ago, "This is Ron, him and Harry, and best friends." He smiled awkwardly and I smiled back and waved.

He was a couple of inches taller than me with bright red hair and freckles. He was holding a very old-looking rat in his hands.

I think he saw me looking at it and said "This is Scabbers," holding the rat closer to me. I reached my hand out and brushed the top of his head with my pointer finger, "He's very cute." I said.

Ron looked surprised, at what? I wasn't sure. "Your accent..." was all he said.

Oh right, since I had been living in America, I lost my English accent and now had an American one.

"Oh, yeah" I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my neck. "Is Harry here?" I asked. "No, he won't be here for a couple of days," Ron said.

"Oh, ok then," I said with a sigh. I sat down at a table and Ron sat across from me, he was staring. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Oh, uh sorry. It's just that you look exactly like Harry. Same face shape, eyes, mouth, the only difference is that you don't have the scar." He said. He seemed amazed that a set of twins looked exactly like each other.

"How is he?" I asked. "He's good... I think," he said, "you think?" I questioned.

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